Chapter 44

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At breakfast the next morning Lady Worcester sipped at her coffee. "I was in so late last night I regretted not seeing you."

Charlotte smiled and drank her coffee lazily with her elbows on the table.

"I was so tired when I got in," Charlotte commented.

Lady Susan smiled. "I heard you quite saved your friend," she said pouring more cream in.

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "That was only because they were unlucky enough to have the worst physician treat her. I mean, bled for a fever?" she shook her head. "I thought such notions to be of another time."

Lady Susan looked at her seriously. "My cousin said he found you in a most immodest condition when he arrived at the Parker house."

Charlotte put down her cup. "I beg your pardon?"

Lady Susan smiled till it hit her eyes and they turned up at the corners. "He said your dress was unbuttoned and the ties undone." pulling the cup to her mouth smugly she persisted in her smile. "And your hair was down in a most alluring manner."

Charlotte's face fell. "You are teasing me."

Lady Susan laughed. "Of course I am," she sipped at her cup. "What other diversions do I have for me this morning?"

Charlotte sighed and closed her eyes embarrassed. "I was cooling myself in Georgiana's hot room before I went down for lunch which Mr. Sidney Parker did not attend. It was casual and I hadn't the energy to check my appearances. Then I fell asleep in Mr. Parker's study and that is where he found me. Nothing happened."

Lady Susan nodded. "I am sure there was nothing, but it did look unseemly did it not?"

Charlotte nodded.

"And if Eliza Campion should have come by, or anyone else it could have been out within a single afternoon that you and he are lovers," she said setting her cup down. "Don't look at me like that. I'm not an old governess, I just want you to be careful. So far your actions have been above reproach. I just hope it remains that way."

Charlotte sighed and closed her eyes pained. "Did Aiden think that I could-," Charlotte could not even bring herself to say it.

"Could have engaged in illicit affairs?" Lady Susan put it delicately. "No, he generally is a good judge of character, even if he acts like the devil himself." she smiled as he entered. "Speak of the beast and watch him take shape," Susan said. "Good morning cousin, how was town this morning?"

He took a muffin and poured himself a coffee as he went to sit. "Parliament was a mire," he said now buttering his bread. "Cesspit of our kind," he said to his cousin.

"Harsh dear Aiden," Susan said looking at Charlotte how was studying her cousin.

"So what were the brilliant minds of Pessham house discussing?" he said looking at them as he started his late breakfast.

Susan looked to Charlotte then back to him. "We were discussing the state of Charlotte last evening when you found her last afternoon."

He nodded. "Indeed, you looked rightly tossed Charlotte, but since I know you better I could not bring myself to think any ill of you.

Susan frowned. "I suppose that is good of you cousin since she had fallen asleep in the study and that was where Mr. Parker had found her moments before."

Captain Warrick nodded and smiled as he looked down. "I suppose I might not have thought all that ill of you if you had," he said under his breath.

Susan giggled at that last comment and took note of Charlotte's bright cheeks.

"Come now cousin, she is an innocent. Do not stain her with your indecent thoughts." Lady Susan chided him.

The footman entered with a tray. "Two letters Lady Susan, one for you, and one for Miss Heywood." he proffered the tray with the letters laid on the gleaming surface.

"From Lady Denham." Lady Susan commented as she opened hers.

Charlotte found they were both from her. Ones with invitations to a holiday party at Sanditon House but Charlotte's invitation came with a small letter.

"My dear Miss Heywood,

Pray give an old lady some cheer and join me and visit Sanditon. If it pleases you I wish you to stay on until spring as my companion, if Lady Worcester could be agreeable to it to sparing you until the spring.

I know I may not be as fun as Lady Worcester but I can promise that it will be fun for me.

Yours sincerely,

Lady Denham

"Well, I am afraid I have engagements that will keep me here over the holiday so I will have to forgo. But I suppose she is a dear acquaintance of yours you should not." Lady Susan said softly.

Captain Warrick frowned. "Maybe I could accompany Miss Heywood to Sanditon, I should hope the town well enough established that it has a Hotel."

Charlotte swallowed. "Indeed. It is the Crown Hotel and from what I hear it is adequate."

Captain Warrick laughed. "I have slept in the bowels of a ship Miss Heywood. I don't require palatial comforts as I receive here."

Charlotte smiled. "Then you should be satisfied."

Lady Worcester smiled and looked to Charlotte. "You must take your maid Bell."

Charlotte shook her head. "Lady Susan no, I can't accept that."

Lady Susan patted her hand. "It is nothing to me, and you need her more than I do. She is my spare. I will lend her to you until you come into your fortune."

Charlotte looked at her then to Captain Warrick. "You always say I will find a fortune, but what if I am not looking for one?"

Lady Susan smiled and leaned over. "My dear girl, fortune already smiles down upon you in abundance. You are a fine woman of the Beau Monde now. Learn to grasp the power you already innately have."
Charlotte sighed and went back to her muffin.

"Good thing we just had you measured for your spring and summer wardrobe. When the pieces are finished I can have them sent to you." Lady Susan smiled brightly. "That way when you join me in Brighton in the spring you will be ready."

Charlotte smiled. "It will be interesting to compare the two."

Captain Warrick nodded. "Indeed. It will be good to finally see this damned city that has already ruined so many futures."

Charlotte frowned again noticing the stormy mood of Captain Warrick.

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