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Kaz snuck into Wylan's house, picking the door, snatching his hat, and heading out. He couldn't help but feel a little guilty as he closed and locked the door. It seemed he never had time to relax with his friends, as if the world was still trying to convince him, Dirtyhands didn't have friends or loved ones.

 Kaz shook his head and limped back toward the Slat. He was tired and frustrated. His mind wandered to Inej, her arms around him, head against his chest. He sighed, hating the look of confusion when he'd pulled back, he wanted to give her everything she so desired, to be a better man, one who could hold her without seeing death. 

He couldn't, nor could he ask her to stay with him. He sighed, opening the door to the Slat, his home. He nodded to a few Dregs who offered their greeting and made his way up into his office.

Kwet stirred from her spot crouched in the shadows, she had dozed off for only a moment. She stood making her way to the windows as not to startle Kaz when he entered. 

"Hello, sir." She murmured. "I have my report."

"Alright," Kaz replied, walking over to his desk. "What'd you find?"

Kwet made her way to his side, gesturing to the paper. "These two sisters, Sybia and Jinx have been stalking you for several days, they seem to have a rivalry with one another. I think they may be working together and have a plot to kill you and your friend, Inej. They're out for blood that's for sure. Sybia snuck into the Crow Club, I tried to get the bouncer to tie her up but she ended up getting away."

"They were at the Van Eck mansion, strolled right in. The Sybia girl stabbed herself in the leg to appear injured. Jinx snuck inside on her own. Then they just left, they didn't do anything, but I doubt it will stay that way. Sybia's at the Crow Club now, at least I think she is. I'm unsure where Jinx is but I know their meeting place." She stated. 

"It's a few roofs down from the Crow Club, has a chimney and dark red tiles. I have Idgeka circling there now." She said, trying to remember as much as she possibly could from the events of the night.

Kaz froze, absorbing the facts. "Is she still at the Crow Club?" He said, voice low and emotionless. His heart dropped in his chest, he was right. Was that why they were tailing him? What did they know already? 

Was it just that Inej and Kaz both took down people in the same circle or did they truly know where their hearts were buried? Kaz cursed mentally, he had to get Inej out of the city, but that would alert her, and she wouldn't leave then.

 He ran his fingers through his hair, making sure it seemed like a general gesture than a nervous or frustrated tick. She'd be leaving soon. Seeing her would only bring them both closer to danger. He needed to detain Sybia, information was key. 

Once he knew the motive and the resources behind this venture, he could bring it to an end. He'd need to stop seeing Wylan and Jesper just in case, and he realized that she knew where Inej was staying. Knew Wylan and Jesper were important to her, possibly. He needed to know what she did know.

"I don't know, Sir. I saw her slip in, I waited for her to come out but she didn't. I came straight here to inform you, I didn't want to spook her into running off." She said. "I assume she is, maybe someone caught her poking her nose around where she shouldn't be." 

Kwet assumed one of the crew members had seen her sneaking around, after all, it's what all of them were trained to do, watch and listen.

"I'll bet she's there now." She stated before jumping from the window and heading to the Crow's club. Kaz had seemed startled, this must have been a bigger deal than she had assumed. Maybe Inej wasn't just a friend of Kaz Brekker.

Inej followed the guy, tiptoeing behind him all the way to the Slat. When he went inside Inej looked for a while to see for anything suspicious but he just went into his room and jumped on the bed. After that, not wanting to be seen by Kaz, Inej too left. 

Strolling in the streets of Ketterdam she took notice of what all changed, and what all didn't. She thought about going back to Van Eck Mansion just in case Wylan knocked, she was on a building near the mansion when she saw Kaz slipping out with his hat, at the sight of him Inej sighed with a frown, "Only if... " She too turned around and left. She had a job to do. 

It's was already night but not late enough for sailors to go to sleep so her presence should not disturb anyone, she thought as she went inside the building where she ordered Caden to take everyone. As if on queue she saw Caden on the corridor looking tired and sleepy when Caden's eye noticed her, he instantly became came in attention, with back straight and chin high he ran a hand through his hair and moved towards her.

"Nice to see you, Captain." He greeted Inej with a polite smile. 

"Nice to see you too. How is everyone?" 

"All good, all okay." Inej just nodded with a smile remembering little Nina, she must be asleep by now. 

"We should start preparing Caden, we'll leave soon." Caden dropped his head and looked at her with confusion, though he always respects Inej his height gives him a good edge in conversation.

 Reading the look on his face Inej replied, "you look sad, not wanting to leave? Did Ketterdam impress you with its charm?" 

"Not really, this place is too dark and congested for my sailor self." Caden replied with confidence. 

Inej let out a laugh before Caden continued, "Anyway I've made the list of people who would like to stay here and those who still loved home enough to not be swayed by kvas or kruge." 

Inej narrowed her eyes and looked at him before shaking his head. She should inform Kaz about these people and see whether he could help them find a job or anything. Taking the clipboard from Caden's hand she said, "I'm going to arrange things for them." 

"I'll come with you." Inej just nodded and let Caden come to the Slat.

Kaz waited to leave the Slat, he had to get a grip on his racing mind before he went and saw this threat. He could not give himself away, or rather, his friends. His gloved hand clenched, anger rolled off of him, being trapped in his room. 

With an irritated sigh, Kaz stood up, grabbing his cane. He had missed dinner, it was creeping into the early morning, and he still hadn't slept yet, and now he had to watch every move he made, keeping his distance from those he cherished the most. He was ready to make whoever was to blame's life hell.

It took Inej more time to reach slats than what she was used to. She doesn't want to blame Caden for his inability to jump from building to building, but walking at his pace was making her impatient. Plus the additional risk of getting spotted. Ketterdam is her home but that doesn't mean there isn't a single enemy looking for a chance to kill her at the first sight or worse, use the information against Kaz.

When the building was near she turned her head towards Caden and said, "you go inside and wait,  if somebody comes and asks you, say you are here to meet Dirtyhands." Questions were dancing in Caden's eye but Inej chose to ignore them. 

She, with no further explanation, went towards the closest building and disappeared in the dark. She should meet Kaz as Captain Ghafa, who came through the door for work but she wasn't sure how many knew about her being in the city still the risk of making it public is too high to take.

Kaz paused, glancing to the window, he knew the feeling of her presence, the air changed. He closed the door to his room and waited. Every second could be one too late, but if Inej needed to talk to him, he'd rather it be in private than where they could be seen together.

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