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Caden thought for a while, trying to picture the image, the road they took, the buildings they crossed though it was all a blur since he was tired and was too focused on Inej to register more than a vague scene. 

"When we left the docks we were going straight until a bank came and from that, he took so left turn, the usual commotion died after seven or eight-minute ride, and after I woke up again on docks."

Kaz nodded, his eyes glaring down at the files underneath his gloved hands. "Hmm, I have an idea where he might have her, go back and be with your crew. I'm sure right now they need someone to give them answers and direction." 

Kaz stood up, he'd have Kwet scope out the house, find him the best way in. In the meantime, he wondered if the sisters knew anything about all this, if so, perhaps he could get some information out of them. The best way to take this merch scum down.

He'd need people he could trust when he went to save Inej, which was becoming a quickly decreasing number. He sighed, it wasn't what he wanted, but he should probably seek out Jesper's help with this. 

As much as he hated it, the gangly recovering gambler was his most trusted friend, he was loyal beyond measure, and he would do anything to save Inej. Kaz glanced to the window, tilting his head ever so slightly as his eyes glazed over with thoughts.

"I'm not going anywhere. I didn't come here to tell you to go and help her but just to help with the direction as to where I can search first. Inej's crew is smart enough to understand when to lie low and when to come out as a whole." Caden said and made Dirtyhands clear of his intentions. 

He isn't going to sit back and wait while he can't be sure whether Inej.. damn you Caden don't even think about that, he told himself. His guilt was too heavier to let him sit and wait while.

Kaz's eyes snapped onto the stubborn boy. "Well, you won't be very helpful standing about here. And even if Inej's crew is smart enough, we have reason to assume Inej won't be the only person in your crew to be targeted." Kaz's voice was calm and icy. "You'd be of better use to Inej there than bothering me."

"I'm not bothering you. Listen I don't know what your trouble is but we are wasting time. When I said I will come along I wasn't asking you but informing so it will be better if we proceed with a plan." 

Caden was not sure how helpful he could actually be considering his knowledge about the city and its people but he needs to do something looking back at Kaz he said, "I'm a sailor and have sailed with her for months and fought beside her too, she fought for the whole crew once and this time when it's my turn then I'll not back out." 

Mentally he told himself that if it came to it then he wouldn't think twice before using his powers. He needs to keep them in check but all the while should be ready to use them too.

Kaz shook his head. "We can't rush into the place with our prior knowledge, it'll be a good way to get Inej killed, or worse. I'm sure they'll be guards looking for us, too. As for your sailing abilities and time with Inej, it won't be of any use right now." 

"This is Ketterdam, it's a whole different rule book. In the meantime, don't get in anyone's way if you refuse to go somewhere else. I'll tell you what you need to know when you need to know it." Kaz said bluntly, he was more than a little agitated that Caden considers his couple months of experience fighting with Inej very helpful, considering Kaz had spent years fighting beside her and through a similar kidnapping. 

But it didn't matter, Kaz just had to keep Caden out of his way, Inej was his priority. Standing up with the help of his cane and he limped out of the room, calling for someone to send Kwet to the secure safe house when she came back. He started out toward the secure safe house, he needed to see if the assassins had any part in this.

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