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When the medik was done she gave a few more instructions. Forced Vlam to eat some more bread, drink some more water. Then she took her leave slipping out of the house as Wylan locked the door behind her. 

When he returned to the living room he sat on a couch close to a window and hoped that if Kaz, Inej, and Jesper came back he'd see them. "Would you like a bed? The medik said to rest, but it's up to you." Wylan turned to Vlam.

Vlam was annoyed, he really didn't want to eat or drink anything, but he also didn't want to fight a medic. He watched the medik leave and sighed gratefully when she did. Oiche had curled up on one of the chairs and went to sleep. 

When the young teen spoke, Vlam turned to face him as well. He didn't want to mess up any of the nice rooms, and he didn't feel deserving to sleep in one. "No, I'm good... I haven't caught your name...though." Vlam was starting to come out of it, though he wasn't completely out yet.

"Oh sorry. It's Wylan" he said. "Are you with the dregs?"

Vlam nodded, then stopped halfway with a hiss. The wound may be gone, but it doesn't mean his brain doesn't feel like mush. "Yeah, joined recently... ya part of  'em too?"

Wylan considered it for a second, "Yeah. Sort of" He said simply not knowing what else to say.

Vlam felt an awkward silence descend on the duo, so he drummed his fingers on his thigh. "Merch I take it...?" He asked after a while, just asking anything to break the silence.

"Yeah," it felt awkward to just say that but Wylan didn't know what else to talk about. Plus he was too worried to pay too much attention to small talk.

Vlam couldn't take the silence, he really should be memorizing the territory, or the merchers, or maybe the rival gangs? Something other than sitting here. So, Vlam shoved himself to his feet and nearly fell over at the sudden movement. His vision quickly fading to black and becoming light-headed. Thanks to the arm of the couch, he didn't fall.

Wylan stood quickly putting his arms out like to help but Vlam caught the edge of the couch. "If you don't sleep at least stay on the couch, please. I'd rather Kaz didn't rip my arm off for wasting his time getting a medik or killing a Dreg. Do you want me to light the fire? It's kind of cold." Wylan really didn't want anything else to worry about, he wanted something to distract him.

Vlam shot a weak glare at Wylan, he really didn't feel like he deserved to be here, but he begrudgingly sat down, looking out to the fireplace. "Yeah actually... that'd be nice." He said with a soft grin. The flame always helped calm Vlam down when he was on edge or irritated.

Wylan nodded and went to go get some firewood and something to start the fire. He wondered what Kaz was doing right now. What Inej was doing to help. What Jesper was doing. Maybe he'd already escaped from danger and was walking down the street right now laughing with someone about a joke he'd just told. 

Or maybe he was badly hurt and needed saving. He put the wood in the fire and lit matches. The warmth of the fire in the grate felt good on his face and when he sat back down on the couch it felt warmer in the room. 

He chose to watch the flames dance rather than the streets outside the window, waiting to see if or when they came back. "When did you join the Dregs?" Wylan asked, keeping his voice low for no real reason.

Kaz watched Kwet leave before he headed toward the address, death would be far too merciful for this scumbag. He'd kidnapped Inej, touched her— Saints, Kaz could hardly think straight as his blood felt hot and his fists tight. Kaz would've hunted him down for that alone. But now... now he'd also taken Jesper. Foolish, loyal, caring Jesper. 

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