Chapter 8 : Ocean Labradors

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*Previously on Puppy Patrol : Meet Paw Patrol*

" Hello there, little pup." Ryder said, gently and Uma woke up.

Uma looked around and she saw Ryder. She stood up and she walked back. Ryder saw that she was scared and he called in Chase.

Chase came and asked " So, there's another of them ?"

Ryder nodded and saw that Uma wasn't there. Chase and Ryder searched for Uma and they found her, with the rest of the pups. 

" So, you're name is Uma, correct ?" Skye asked and Uma nodded.

Zuma went near her and looked carefully at her.

Zuma exclaimed " Woah, dwude ! She looks just like me !"

" Yeah, uh, dwude. Can you pwease stand back ?" Uma asked and Zuma walked back.

Skye, Rubble, and Zuma saw Ryder and Chase. Star walked in the Look Out and she saw Uma.

" Uma ! There you are !" Star shouted, as she ran towards Uma.

The two hugged for a moment and they walked out of the Look Out. Marsha and Trisha were playing with Rocky and Everest until, they saw Star and Uma.

Suddenly, Star's pup badge rang.

" Star, Aries vanished and I'm stuck in the ocean. !" Artic said, over the pup badge.

Star replied " Where are you, right now ?"

 " Near a lighthouse. Hurry, I see a storm, up ahead." she said and Star was cut off.

Rocky said " Oh no, we need to tell Ryder."

Uma hears this and said " Let's go."

After Ryder picked the pups, for the mission, they dashed to the beach. They couldn't see Artic anywhere. Skye flew over and used her goggles.

" Ryder, I've found Artic. She's headed towards the bay." Skye said and Ryder replied " Got it. Zuma, you and Uma need to get over there. And fast !"

Zuma and Uma nodded and got on the hovercraft. They drive (or hover, IDK) through the waves and they got near Artic. Suddenly, a big amount of waves were pushing the hovercraft away.

" Help !!" Artic shouted and Uma jumped off the hovercraft.

Zuma saw her and said " Uma, what are you going to do ?"

Uma replied " Just let out your  buoy and I'll take care of the rest."

Zuma said " Okay... Ruff, Buoy !"

The hovercraft's buoy was deployed and Uma grabbed it. She swam towards Artic, under the water. She dodged every bumpy current and arrived at Artic.

" Grab this, Artic." Uma said and Artic grabbed the buoy.

Uma got on the raft and shouted to Zuma " Zuma ! Pull in the buoy !"

Zuma heard and pulled back his buoy.

Suddenly, Uma heard a shout for help. She looked behind her and saw Aries, trying to swim. She jumped off the raft and swam towards Aries. Ryder and the pups saw how Uma was still able to help. Uma got to Aries and grabbed Aries's collar. She dragged her to shore and got her safe.

" How did you get over to the bay ?" Chase asked and Artic said " We were trying to surf until, a big waves caught us."

Ryder rolled his eyes and said " Well, at least you're safe.."

Back at the Look Out, Star was noticing Chase, sitting in the corner. She approached him and greeted him. Chase looked away and frowned.

" What's wrong, Chase ?" she asked and Chase didn't reply.



I am still bothered by somethings...


To Be Continued..

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