Meeting the P.C.D.

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In a very top-secret district building, an agent was reporting about a strange theft. The Burro pup thought of this and sighed. "Alright then.. Max, get me Silver. I need to speak with him." Max nodded and ran off. Max is a Cockier Spaniel and he rushed into Silver's office. Silver is a  Mexican hairless dog and he was disturbed by Max.

"What is it now Max..? Can't you see I'm busy telling this stupid Chinese Crested Dog, that this report is full of baloney !" Silver shouted and the pup shouted "Excuse me ?! I am not stupid nor is my report. It's true ! There is a pup with lightning speed, that can steal the jewels. It happened sixteen years ago and I've seen it !" The Chinese Crested Pup, Howard has seen it, but no pup believed him. Max showed him, his report and Silver was surprised. Silver followed Max and they arrived at Ben's office. "So... Howard wasn't lying..." Silver sighed and Ben explained "There have been reports from our spies, that there has been a pup who's that fast. We need you and your partner to catch her and keep her caged. We can't let her cause trouble in Crime City." Silver spat out his drink and shouted "There is NO way that I'm going to cooperate with him. No matter how hard I try to ask him to be serious, he won't ! He just won't !" He was talking about Arnold. As always, Arnold was never the serious pup. Ben and Silver kept arguing, until Arnold came in and was ready.

In Adventure Gulf, Star was running around the city. She was breaking her running record, until a net stopped her. "Oh, sorry Star. I thought you were that wild tiger.." Chase apologized and he released Star, from his net. The Paw Patrol were trying to catch a family of tigers, that somehow ended up in Adventure Bay to Adventure Gulf. The tigers looked like Star, but they weren't that fast as Star. After that mission, Star and Chase were talking. They suddenly saw two pups, in front of them and they looked scary. "Is your name.. Star..?" Silver asked and Star nodded. Arnold asked "Are you very fast ?" Star nodded and said "I was about to break my speed record." Then, Silver and Arnold threw a net at her. Star shouted "Hey, release me now !!" Silver smiled and they dragged her into the police car. Chase didn't know what to do, so all he did was watch. "Chase, help me !" Star screamed and Chase finally knew what to do. "Let her go.. now..!" Chase demanded and the two turned around. They knew Chase was a Police pup, but they had an order to catch Star. "Listen, pup... We had an order to catch Star and she needs to be caged up. If you don't believe me, then ask our boss yourself." Silver said and Chase had no choice. He came along and they drove to Crime City. Crime City was just a part of Adventure gulf, only it was full of crimes and police.

At the P.C.D. Building, Chase tried to get Star. Ben explained "Listen, Chase.. Here in Crime city... We catch all the criminals that were here... Our agents reported a lightning speed pup and we needed to take that pups away." Chase wasn't convinced and he said "Star stopped being a thief ever since she got adopted, by Row. She only uses her speed for good and missions, that help people and pups." Ben didn't seem convinced and he told his agents to drive Chase home. After driving Chase home, Ryder saw him and asked "What's wrong Chase ?" Chase didn't answer and went to his pup house. The next following days, the pups started to get worried about Chase. Some were trying to comfort him. "Chase... Are you okay ?" Skye asked and  Chase explained "It's about Star.. *Sniff*.. She got caged by this agency and... *Sniff*..." Skye patted his back and comforted him.

Back in the P.C.D. Building, Star kept groaning. "Let me out..! Let me out..! Let me-" Star was cut of by Silver's scold. "Shut the heck up, will you ?!" Star stopped groaning and she decided to take a nap. Suddenly, Ben came in and interrogated Star. After a few questions, Star got released. She rushed back home with Max following her, making sure she goes straight home and not somewhere else. Star went to Adventure Bay and ran to Chase. The two were happy to see each other. Then, Star went to Adventure Gulf. The pups there, were happy to see her.

To Be Continued.... 

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