Mission Jobs [Part 2 of International]

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*Previously on International*

As the Puppy and Paw Patrol arrive to the scene, Aries and her sister were helping the townspeople and pups. Artic was finding the trapped citizens while Aries was aiding the injured people and pups, with Fracture the Medic pup. They saw Row, Ryder, and the pups. Aries and Artic ran towards them, after finishing their duties. Row asked " So, how're the townspeople and pups doing ?" Aries answered, worriedly " They're doing fine, but.. Dr. Scratch is still causing more trouble. He's already started his first phase." Chase and Star looked at the town and saw the townspeople and pups, injured. " How are we going to stop them ?" Skye asked.

Row looked at Ryder and they thought up a plan. " Alright.. Rocky, Rubble, Bessy, and Rocksie. You help Artic find the trapped citizens and try to find a way to escort them to safety." The pups barked their catchphrases.

Rubble : Rubble on the Double !

Rocky : Green means Go !

Rocksie : Sounds Zapping !

Bessy : Dig-licous !

Then, the four pups ran towards Artic and they went to the broken places. Ryder said "Great.. Skye, Zuma, and Everest. You help Aries and Fracture, heal the injured." Then, Skye, Zuma, and Everest shouted their catchphrases.

Skye : Let's take to the sky !

Zuma : Let's dive in !

Everest : Ice or snow, I'm ready to go !

They ran towards Aries and they helped Fracture. Star, Chase, Uma, Marshall, Marsha, and Trisha and Tracker were the remaining pups. Row and Ryder were thinking of a plan and they had one. "The remaining pups can help in chasing those cats. Chase and Star, I need you to go around the town and stop some of the evil cats. Chase, I heard you were allergic to cats, so wear this face mask." Row gave Chase the face mask and they shouted their catchphrases.

Chase : Chase is on the case !

Star : Be back in a Flash

 " Marshall and Marsha, I need you to check if there are anyone stuck in a tree or stuck under something, so that Artic's team can help them." Ryder said.

Marshall : I'm ready for a ruff ruff rescue !

Marsha : Fired up and Ready !

They ran and searched. Ryder and Row noticed the other remaining pups. Uma, Trisha, and Tracker. Row said " Trisha and Tracker, you two will have to go and catch up with the cats." 

Tracker : I'm all Ears !

Trisha : Let's climb !

Row and Ryder looked at Uma, who was jumping up and down. Ryder and Row thought of a missions and Row told Ryder. Ryder told Uma " Uma, we need you to check around any nearby places. Probably, Dr. Scratch is there." Uma nodded.

Uma : I'm as hard as coral !

Row and Ryder ran to Artic and Aries's team and they checked for status reports. Suddenly, Star ran back, without Chase. " Ryder, Row ! Chase..! He's been kidnapped !" Ryder and Row ran up to Star and Row asked " How did this happen ?" Star looked behind her and said "He and I were just catching up and.. and.. Um.. Oh, yeah ! His mask fell off and he sneezed, very loudly. I wanted to save him, but.. My fear was blocking me.." Row patted Star on the back and said "Don't worry, we'll get him back." Ryder walked up to Star and asked "What are you afraid of ?" 

Star was about to say, when Dr. Scratch showed up and he was holding Chase, in a cage. Dr. Scratch cackled " Mu a ha ha ha ha ha ha ! You thought you could defeat us, thought mostly me... Well, you thought wrong ! Now that I have you're pup, I'll make you a deal.." Row raised a brow and asked "What deal ?" The Puppy Patrol pups were worried. Dr. Scratch was full of tricks and he was always trying to make Row, give up one of them. Dr. Scratch said " I'll give you back you're friend, in return.. You have to give me one of your pups.." Some of the pup gasped and the other were surprised. Row looked at Chase, who was full of scratches. Row looked at the pups and she sighed. " Fine.. You win.." She said and Ryder whispered "But, Row.." Row looked at Ryder and whispered back " Don't worry.. I have a plan.." Ryder's eyes widened a little bit and he stepped back. She called her pups back and whispered "Hmm... Marsha, you can melt the bars.. Can you ?" Marsha nodded, then, Row explained the plan.

"Here.. I'll give you Marsha.." Row said and Dr. Scratch smiled. He told his cats to give Chase to them and Chase was thrown out of the cage. Marsha walked towards them and left. Some pups were about to cry, but they heard a scream. " She burns !!" Dr. Scratch shouted. Marsha walked back to them, all FIRED up and the pups were happy. They hugged her, after Marsha fired down.

(The International Story isn't over)

Later, at the Adventure Gulf Look Out, Chase asked Star "Um, Star.. I, um, l-like-" Star gave him a kiss, on the cheek and he blushed. " I know.. Chase.. I know..." The other pups were in awe.

Skye, suddenly, remembered something. She went up to Star and asked "Hey, um, Star.. What are you afraid of, anyway ?" Star sighed and whispered "I'm afraid of male dogs.." Skye looked at Chase and said "Chase is a male, yet, you're not afraid of him.." Star rolled her eyes and said "He's my friend. And I'm not afraid of my friends.."They both giggled and had fun..

On the other hand, Dr. Scratch was band-aiding the burn on his body. All of his cats were, too. They heard a female voice that said "I can't believe my eyes.. The famous, Dr. Scratch failed his mission. Ha ha.." Dr. Scratch looked at the dark part of his lair and asked " Who are you, and how did you get in here ?!" There, a Female British Poodle came out. She was colored Light Brown with a little color of Pink. " Oh.. It's you.. Why are you here, Gazelle ?" Dr. Scratch asked, to his puppy niece. Yes, he was related to a poodle, don't judge. " What do you want now ?" he said and Gazelle answered " I have a plan to get those pesky pups out of your way.." Dr. Scratch laughed, out of disbelief and laughter. 

To Be Continued.. 

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