The New Pup [1]

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The Pups were running around the park. Ryder threw the frisbee and Chase, Marshall, Star, and Bessie were chasing it.At the end of the day, Ryder was waiting for the four pups to return. "Did I throw it too far..?" Ryder asked himself and tried calling them through his pup pad, but no response. He called Row and told her what happened. "Don't worry, Ryder. Me and the pups will help." Row assured and called her pups, except Bessie and Star because they were missing.

Meanwhile with Ryder, the call ended and he saw a pup, before he went to Row's Look Out because he was in Adventure Gulf's Park. "Huh..?" He said and approached the pup. "Oh.. Hello there little pup.." Ryder said gently and the pup approached him. "What's your name..?" Ryder asked and the pup answered "I'm Karma."

Ryder smiled and brought Karma to Row's Look Out. "Alright, Hey Row.. I found this pup near the park and thought I could let her here." Ryder said and Row replied "Oh, sure..!" Then, Karma left the room and into the elevator, where the pups bumped into her. Then, the elevator got up shortly and Karma felt a little squished. They arrived at the top with suits, except Karma and they got into their positions. Karma sat on the end and the explained mission began.

"Lastly.. Wait, what are you doing here, Karma..?" Ryder asked and Karma answered "I wanna help..!" Ro and Ryder exchanged faces and agreed. "Then, I'll need you to help look around." Row said and Karma barked "Searching It Up..!" Then, the pups went down to their vehicles and Karma tagged along on Trisha and Tracker's.


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