Mayor Humdinger Strikes Back Part 2

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After dodging the yarn balls, Star lost the kittens. She went back to Chase, who was feeling a little down. She picked him up and he shakes his head. They run back to the Look Out and tell Ryder and Row, what happened. "We need to know what he's gonna do next.. Star, Chase.. I need you to spy on them for a couple of minutes." Ryder said and the two pups barked. Meanwhile in Adventure Gulf, Marsha was helping Croissant the baker pup, in the bakery. Croissant was the best baker pup, in Adventure Gulf, but not as best as Mr. Porter, of course.

"Thanks for helping out in the bakery, Marsha..! It means a lot.." Croissant thanked and Marsha placed the last bread dough in the oven. Suddenly, a black-dotted white cat entered the bakery and tipped over the bakery dough. "Meow-wow-wow-wow..!" The kitten laughed and the dough landed on Marsha. Croissant tried to catch the kitten, but his bread started to burn. "I've had it !" Marsha screamed and ran towards the kitty, all FIRED up. She chased the kitten towards the Look Out and cornered it. Then, a sudden fire of yarn balls were shooting her. Marsha turned around, seeing Mayor Humdinger. She growled and got hit by the kitten's leap. "Good work kitty.." He said and ran away. Star and Chase saw everything and went up to Marsha. "You okay Marsh ?" Star asked and Marsha nodded. Chase sniffed the air and sneezed. The Kitten Catastrophe Crew was just here and they made a mess. Star reported to Ryder and Row, telling them about Mayor Humdinger. "Okay, just keep spying on them." Ryder said and he looked at the Look Out Telescope. He pulled it out and looked through it. He looked to the east, west and north and saw them. 

To Be Continued...

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