Mountain Mischief [Part 2]

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*Previously on Mountain Mischief*

Detective Iris checked around, for any pups, who were missing their pup tag. Her partner, Scott found a West Highland White Terrier and he questioned her. "Where were you when the attacks happened ?" He asked and the pup answered "I was busy, band-aiding Marshall's burns."

Iris found a pup, who seemed to be looking for its badge. The pup's name was Forest. She looked at the ground and Iris approached her. "Are you looking for this ?" Iris asked and Forest nodded. After interrogating her, Iris went back to the pups. Suddenly, Iris noticed a pup missing. "Rocksie said she was going to search for berries in the forest" Rocky answered and Scott asked "And has she come back yet ?" Rocky shook his head and the pups searched for Rocksie.

Iris went back to Forest and asked "How did you lose your pup tag, by the way ?" Forest looked around and said "There's a were-pup out here and it attacked me. It didn't bite me or hurt me..It only grabbed my tag." Iris looked at Forest and left. She went to Star and answered "It's Rocksie" Star and the pups were confused, how was it Rocksie, was in their thought. She explained "Well... Rocky said she was searching for berries, in the forest. He also said that she hasn't come back yet.. A pup, named Forest said that there was a were-pup here and.." Iris was cut off by a were-pup's howl. They ran to the place, of the howl and saw Rocksie.

The mystery of the attacked pups were solved and Rocksie had some explaining to do. "Sorry.. I was a bit hungry and I saw Skye.. I thought she was a bunny, so I transformed and attacked her." She explained. Iris and her partner, Scott left and said good bye. The pups went back to playing and Rocksie was being well-fed.

The End of Mountain Mischief..

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