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Izuku's POV

   I stared at the villain in front of us in horror. My mouth was agape and I knew that I made a huge mistake when I let my shock and fear show on my face. I glanced at Aika, who on the other hand did a pretty good job on hiding her emotions. Togata-san was smiling and he glanced at me, slightly motioning at me with his fingers.

   I bit my lips, feeling a bit bad since the whole plan Sir Nighteye had planned might get ruinned because of me. I instead focused my attention back at towards the shaking girl, who was clinging onto me.

   "I'm sorry about my daughter, heroes." The villain lied, glancing at the three of us. "She likes to play around a lot and she gets herself injured quite a bit."

   "Ah! We're sorry for bumping into her, as well." I said, forcing a small smile. 

   "It's fine..." The man looked over at me. "It's my first time seeing you three heroes."

   "Oh, right. We're still new to this, so you might've not seen us around." Aika answered, grabbing my arm and forcing me to stand up. "Well, we'll be going on our way now."

   "Yeah, there's still much to the internship." Togata-san said, laughing. Despite his jolly expression, I could somehow sense that he was also nervous. 

   "R-Right..." I said, turning to leave. However, I stopped in my tracks when the little girl suddenly grasped onto my clothes. 

   I looked down at the young girl, my eyes widening once again when I saw tears forming in her eyes. She looked very frail and she trembled. I could tell she was very scared. She never once looked up at me.

   I crouched down and faked a smile, gently patting her hair. The girl then looked at me and our eyes met. I felt sadness strike me when we made eye contact. Her eyes were filled with fear, nothing more nothing less. The usual glimmer of happiness that you would find in young children was no where to be found.

   "D-Don't...go..." I heard the girl whisper. 

   I raised my arms to hug her. However, the girl flinched, burying her head into my shoulder. I looked up, cautiously, to the villain, trying my best to mask my fear.

   "Um...Sir, your daughter seems a bit scared of something..." I tried my best to steady my voice. 

   "...That's because she just got a scolding." The man said, his eyes narrowing at me. 

   "But...For such a small child to be trembling like this without making a sound..." I mumbled. "It's not quite...normal."

   "Please don't force your normal on other people's family." The villain spoke, his voice steady. 

   "O-Oh...I'm sorry...but..." I said, looking up at the villain. "But as a hero, I won't let a scared child go."

   The villain looked at me, his eyes filled with something that I assumed to be amusement. I stared back at the villain and he let out a low chuckle. He started laughing, covering his eyes with one gloved hand.

   When he removed his hand, his eyes seemed crazed and he stepped closer to me. I hugged the petite girl tighter, fearfully glaring at the man. Overhaul continued to step closer to me, taking time with each move he made.

   "Well, you sure are sensitive, aren't you?" The villain let out a raspy laugh, stopping right in front of me. "Hmm...You don't seem that bad...Seems like you have potential, as well..."

   Overhaul crouched down and tilted his head, looking straight into my eyes. We made eye contact and the moment we did, my body froze and I couldn't move. He glanced down at the young girl, who was now staring at the villain with wide, scared eyes. I bit my lips and gulped, pulling the girl closer to me, anxiously watching the villain's moves.

   "I've heard of you quite a lot...Izuku Midoriya, also known as Mizu..." Overhaul said, standing up. He slowly pulled off one of his gloves "Perhaps, you'd prove to be useful..."

   My nervousness soon changed to confusion when Overhaul said that. The girl in my arms tensed up as well, shaking more violently and she struggled against my hold. The girl desperately cried out, and Aika quickly tried to push me away.

   However, before she could even reach me, there was a sudden gust of dust and wind. Everything happened so fast and I could barely grasp the situation before the dust clouded my vision. 

   The dust instinctively made me cover the small girl with my arm, so that the dust wouldn't reach her. I covered my face with my hand, trying to block the dust so that I don't accidentally inhale it.

   I coughed, waving my arm to clear my vision. By now, the dust has settled down and I looked around frantically, searching desperately for Aika and Togata-san. The only thing I saw was a wall of large spikes surrounding the girl and I. 

   "A-Aika?! Togata-san?!" I shouted.

   "Izuku!" Aika's voice was heard. "Are you okay?"

   Before I could even answer her question, I heard a soft pad of footsteps, making me snap my head back towards the alleyway. I tensed up, hugging the girl closer. The girl whimpered but she didn't struggle like before. She simply clung onto me, her grip on my hero costume getting stronger with each passing second. 

   The child wasn't trembling as much as before but she had, yet again, started crying and she refused to let go. I quietly comforted her, whispering soothing words so that she would relax. I softly patted her back.

   "Hmm...That's should be good enough." I heard a voice from in the alley. "Well, I don't want our location to be leaked...So..."

   The villain walked closer to me and suddenly, I felt an immense pain on the back of my neck. Soon enough, I felt my vision fading away slowly. I struggled to stay conscious, however, my efforts had no avail. 

   I could hear the concerned screams from Aika and Togata-san. The young girl was weakly shaking me.

   The last thing I remembered hearing was the voice of Overhaul.

   "That's why you shouldn't have pried into other's life...Hero."

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