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I am a Coward and a big one at that. It is saturday and I have yet to confront Karan. I go near him ask and then I get nervous and then I back out. I did this four times. Once I asked him 'Where his shoe polish was?' Can you believe it. 

Me...Nirvana...the Surgeon...the shame I felt when I asked him that and the amused expression on Karan's face. I just knew he thought I was a nut-case.

"I will not be here for dinner...I am meeting some clients" Karan said.

"Oh too...I meeting up with Rohan" I said.

"Okay," Pa said.

"Can I come with you?" Karthi asked.

"It's going to be a boring dinner sweetheart...You will be dozing off" I said.

"But...I wanted to play with you." Karthi complained.

"We will, How about this? We will play till I leave...You complete your homework when I am not there and we can play whole day tomorrow." I said.

"But..." He started.

"You could pick out my dress for the evening" I bargained begging mentally karthi concedes.

"Really" He said brightening up.

"Yes" I said.

"Okay" He said.


"You go hide and I will seek you" I said.

"Count till 100 don't cheat" Karthi said running off.

I started searching for Karthi I reached second floor...I saw Karan and Maanav talking.

"........Just ask Nirvana" Maanav said.

"Ask me what?" I asked.

"Nothing" Karan said startled.

"Why are you meeting Rohan?" Maanav asked.

"I don't know, He said he needed help with something so he asked Raghav and I to come." I said.

"Oh...So Raghav is also coming" Karan asked with a relieved voice.

"Yes, Why are you so relieved? he was not going to kidnap me" I joked shaking my head.

"Just ignore him...He has been acting weird" Maanav said.

"Okay I will go search for Karthi then" I said frowning and left from there.


"I don't like that" Maanav said.

"Well, You three need to decide fast, I have to leave in an hour" I said.

"How about this?" Ma asked.

"No, I don't like the colour" Karthi said.

"It's just a dinner with friends I'll just wear jeans" I said.

"You will not" Maanav and Ma said.

"No" Karthi said.

"Well then decide fast, If you don't decide in the next 10 minutes, I will just wear jeans." I said.

AND THAT is how ladies and gentlemen, The shouting and throwing of my clothes started.

"What is going on? I can hear you on the ground floor." Karan said.

"Oh... Sorry we didn't close the door" Ma said.

"What are you doing with all these clothes on the floor?" Karan said angrily.

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