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Chapter Two

Nate POV

"Jealous are we "

I Ignored Daniel's comment, my eyes focused on the girl filling up my glass with even more tequila. I could see her looking at me from under those lashes, her lips wet from licking them as she walked over here.

Honestly, I'm not sure why I even agreed to come here for Daniel's birthday. He wouldn't even care if I didn't show up but I didn't want to be ignorant, dan's a good friend of mine when he's not being a prick.

George wasn't the only one pissed at what happened between me and Loretta. Dan makes sure to make my life a misery by constantly reminding me of what I've done. But there comes a time when I want to pound my fist into that shits face.

" Why would I be jealous" I replied casually, even though I was finding it borderline impossible not to look over at her standing near the bar.

"Shut the fuck up Nate no one cares about this petty game you're playing" good gracious me does anyone else want to join in bullying me today. I don't think I've had the chance to take a breather since I arrived. Not like I deserved it anyway.

"If you're just going sit there and drool over her then please leave because I swear to god that girl does not deserve this shit" George comes by, grabbing my shot and shoving it down his throat.

"That was mine" I groan, I hold up my finger at the girl. She eyes my now empty glass and rushes over, filling it to the brim. Dan lets out a light laugh before muttering quietly.

" so was she "

When I heard it I felt a pain in my chest. I glared at Dan, his words were so right and I knew that but could he at least shut up about it for one minute.

Tired of this conversation, I stood up and grabbed my phone, sliding into my pocket. If I stayed around these two any longer I was afraid of coming out with the truth. Many times had it crossed my mind but I held back.

" Leaving so soon" he said smirking. He was taunting me, clearly getting too comfortable in his position. I didn't let him have the satisfaction and walked away, my head held high as I passed many of the people here.

I searched the room. I needed something to distract me from the beauty standing not too far from me. Her beautiful dirty blonde hair was framing her face perfectly as she spoke to Tammy. My fingers twitched at my side as I noticed the familiar guy standing to her right.

I watched him carefully, his hand rested on the table, dangerously close to Loretta's small waist. I turned my head, I wasn't going to stay any longer and see something that was going to push me to the edge.

I found a woman sitting quietly at the bar. She seemed out of her comfort zone, not fully enjoying the night. She didn't seem to be giving any attention to any of the men that came over to flirt. I was in desperate need for company but not to flirt.

I decided to make my way over, my first sentence already running through my mind. But I didn't get the chance as the one woman I swore to avoid tonight stepped in front of me.

" Nathaniel" she spoke softly. Her hair falling over her shoulder, those clear beautiful eyes staring up at me.

I clenched my fists. " You look like you've seen a ghost" She said, her lips turning up into a smirk. She was either completely out of her element right now or incredibly drunk because there is no way she had the courage to speak to me right now.

I knew her well.

" Go back to the girls Loretta, and stop fucking drinking" I growled into her ear as I moved her body aside. Loretta surprised me by pulling on my arm. The moment her fingers touched my skin I wanted to pull them up and kiss them.

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