27 | safe and sound

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"it's okay.. they will be okay.." taehyung held jisoo's hand in the most gentle way possible, as he didn't want her to get hurt even more.

"look at me," he softly demanded, guiding her chin just so she could face him. "follow my breathings, okay? breathe properly.."

"that's right," he scoots her over, bringing her to the nearest chair beside them. "follow taehyung, follow my breathings," he continued.

"it's alright, we'll find her. she'll be fine," taehyung kept mumbling as jisoo finally calms down, resting a little after hours of finding jennie.

jimin, on the other hand, was all over the evacuation area to find their missing friend. screaming her name, asking the elders if they had seen a girl named kim jennie.

"how about her parents?" an old man asked, coming closer near jimin, taehyung and jisoo.

"we don't know either, ahjussi. the factory exploded before we could even reach their house.."

"then you don't have to worry a thing, kids. the only damaged part was the factory itself and few houses near it. the kim's house is not that close, so all luck. we just have to find them for now. so please, settle down.."

"have you contacted your parents? also you, taehyung. your father might be worried-"

"it's fine, we're just here to find our friend," taehyung stops the man to open a topic of his father, his blood boiling everytime he hears it.

"alright then, keep safe kids. call me if you have news about the kim family."

"thank you," taehyung mouthed in a second as the old man smiled at them and told jimin to calm himself.

"does yoongi knows about this already-" before jisoo could even ask, jimin interrupted her by scoffing.

"you know he's too busy dealing with jungkook and chaeyoung. he doesn't even seem to care for us at all after the issue started," it was as if jimin finally released all his anger about the group's halting.

taehyung wasn't even sure what to react. for a second, he blamed himself immediately, but then jisoo was fast to hold his hand, shake her head and tell him to stop what he's thinking.

"and lisa?" jimin chuckled, no humor found. "you know where she's siding despite us telling her we don't need to pick a side."

"it's only the four of us left with sanity," jimin continued, his eyes starting to water. "the rest were too brainwashed with the people believing false rumors here."

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