32 | the culprit

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"let's stay out of this!"

despite the girls pleading their friends to just stay inside the mayor's house and wait for the olders to resolve it on their own, taehyung and the rest forced themselves to follow mister choi and mister kim.

"taehyung!" jisoo screamed her lover's name in hopes of making him stop, but he only glanced back at her with his pleading eyes. 

"ji.." he heaved out a sigh as he tried carressing her soft cheeks. "i have to."

"then we'll come!" the moment she said it, the four boys refused and was fast to shake their heads. jennie groaned in annoyance and tried walking past them but yoongi stopped her, his furious brows now equaling jennie's angered face.

"do you know how terrifying it was when we saw the four of you escaping the church where the bomb almost killed you?!" he almost raised his voice if only jungkook didn't grabbed him away from jennie.

"and? do you want us to feel the same way since you keep wanting to go at the lighthouse?! the danger-"

"we're not there to kill ourselves!"


"tae, we have no time left!" jimin hurriedly says and was the once who ran away from the house, followed by jungkook who shortly glanced at the girls.

"just stay here.. please," taehyung slowly let go of jisoo before turning his back. the latter was only dumbfounded, finding no pleading words to stop them.

"did they really thought we'd stay here and wait for them?!" lisa frantically says, brushing her hair in an annoyed manner.

"we have to do something," chaeyoung softly mumbles.

"indeed," jennie nods, glancing at jisoo who's now watching them too.

"the residents near the lighthouse.." she remembers, which caused the three girls to finally move and without any hesitation, they followed the boys and the mayor towards the most loved site of nirvana, not realizing the uncertainty waiting for them.

"we have to hurry!" jennie quickly says as she fastened the speed of her bike, worried at how the boys were already out of their sight at the road when in fact they just left seconds after they followed.

the heavy rain and thunderstorm weren't even a help to clear their eyesight. the freezing breeze and the lightning strikes added more fear but they knew they had to follow. they had to do something for nirvana.

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