Chapter One

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Percy woke up to the blaring of his alarm. He picked up his phone and took note of the time. 7:54. He had six minutes to get to school. He launched himself out of bed and quickly got dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt, and a flannel that wrapped around his waist along with a black beanie on his head. He liked the beanie because it hid his messy hair which he didn't have time to even try to fix. He slipped on his vans, grabbed his skateboard, which was sitting against the wall, and sprinted out of the room.

He ran past his mom who was in the kitchen, she yelled something about eating but Percy just replied "Bye!" as he ran out the door. He jogged down the stairs of his apartment building and definitely did not almost fall more than once.

As soon as he reached the street he threw down his skateboard and began to ride to Goode. He got out his phone and looked at the time. 8:00. He was going to be late. Again. Curse my ability to sleep through anything, he thought to himself.

By the time he arrived at his school, it was 8:05. He hid his skateboard in a bush by the school like he always did and headed inside. There were a few lingering people who hadn't bothered to go to class or were late like him. He sped walked down the hallway until he reached his english class. Percy slightly opened the door, trying not to draw attention to himself. He peeked in and noticed the teacher, Mr. Blofis (Who happened to be his mother's boyfriend.) wasn't paying attention. He crept into the room and lightly closed the door behind him. He was about halfway to the back of the class before he heard Mr. Blofis clear his throat.

"Mr. Jackson." Percy stood up straight and slowly turned to face Mr. Blofis.

"Mr. Blofis!" Percy tried to sound excited, but it was really hard.

"You're late. Again." Mr. Blofis quirked an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I noticed." Percy tried to bite back the remark, but it slipped.

"Hmph. I'll see you in detention after school today." Mr. Blofis turned around, but gave Percy a discreet wink before walking back to his desk.

Percy walked to the back of the class and found an empty seat. Unfortunately, it was right next to the most popular girl in school.

Annabeth Chase.

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