Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Percy and Annabeth walked into their school, hand in hand. Percy noticed a few odd looks from people, but, no one really cared that much.

Percy pulled Annabeth along to his locker, where some of their friends were waiting. Grover was the first one to notice them.

"Dude!" He shouted, which gathered the attention of everyone around him. At first, they were confused, but they soon realized Percy and Annabeth were holding hands.

"Aww, y'all are adorable!" Piper squealed as she latched onto Jason's arm. He gave a wide smile and nodded in agreement.

"It's about time," Frank pointed out.

"You two did take quite a while," Hazel agreed as she giggled a bit.

Grover shoved Percy a bit to get his attention, "You owe me twenty bucks, Perce! You didn't even make it to next semester!" He doubled over laughing.

Percy pulled out the twenty dollar bill he put in his pocket this morning, knowing full well Grover would remember and want his money.

After handing Grover the twenty, Percy turned back to Annabeth. She had a small smirk on her face and one of her eyebrows was raised.

"You put a bet on us?" She let go of Percy's hand and crossed her arms. Percy pursed his lips.

"Maybe?" He gave her his best smile. She laughed a little bit and let her arms drop to her sides.

"Of course you did," She rolled her eyes, but a big smile stayed on her face. Percy walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her left shoulder. She lightly rested her head against him and wrapped her arms around his.

Everyone around them awed, but the moment was soon interrupted when Leo came running over to the group.

"I did it guys!" He yelled, "I- what's that?" His gaze shifted to Percy and Annabeth. "Are y'all like, a thing now?" He asked.

Percy shifted his head upward slightly so he could see Annabeth, and she smiled at him. They nodded in unison.

"Right, like we didn't see that coming. Anyway, y'all will not believe what just happened!"

"What?" Jason asked him, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Calypso's going on a date with me!"

Everyone stood there in shock, unsure of what to say.

"Wow, uh, congrats, Leo," Annabeth broke the silence.

Everyone then erupted into cheers and highfives, not only for Leo's happiness, but also Percy and Annabeth's.

They all stood and talked until they finally needed to head to class.


Three Weeks Later

Percy and Annabeth sat on the couch in Percy's apartment, having a Pirates of the Carribean marathon.

They had decided a week before that they were officially together, as in boyfriend/girlfriend, but nothing had really changed. They had practically been 'together' the other two weeks.

The fourth movie started playing, and that's when Annabeth moved her head from Percy's shoulder to his lap.

He thought it was crazy, how similar it was to the first day they really hung out as friends instead of enemies. It was even crazier to think that they used to hate each other, but now Percy would even say he loved her.

He loved her. Of course he did, but he hadn't told her yet. They had been dating for such a short amount of time, but Percy somehow knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He cared about her more than anyone or anything in the world.

He mindlessly played with her curls as he watched the movie. Soon, he noticed Annabeth's breathing become more slow and even, indicating that she was asleep.

He leaned down and kissed her hair.

"I love you, Annabeth," He whispered. Apparently, Annabeth wasn't actually asleep. Her eyes shot open and she turned onto her back so she was looking straight up at him.

"What?" She said in a soft voice.

Percy felt his heart beat faster. He brushed a piece of her hair out of her face and leaned closer to her.

"I love you," He repeated. A smile slowly overtook his face. Annabeth giggled a bit, and smiled as well.

"I love you too, Percy," She sat up and turned to face him. He slowly placed a hand on her face and rubbed her cheekbone. Annabeth launched herself at him, kissing him slowly but passionately.

He cupped her face and pulled her as close as possible, enjoying every moment of it. Eventually, they pulled away, smiling wider than ever.

"I love you," Percy said again, "I love you more than anything in this world,"

Annabeth laughed and hugged Percy, burying her head in his chest. Percy wrapped his arms around her, and rubbed her back.

He smiled and kissed the top of her head. He thought about everything they had been through, ever since they were twelve years old. They got through it together, and Percy couldn't have asked for someone better to do it with. He snuggled even closer to her, and rested his head against hers.

There is nothing better than this.

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