Chapter Eight

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Percy's day was pretty uneventful. He got through the first half of school without getting into any trouble. Mainly because he was a little distracted. Especially when he had a class with her.

Of course, she ignored him the entire day. Speeding up when they passed each other in the halls, sitting the furthest from him in class that she possibly could and not even throwing him an insult every once in a while.

Percy took notice to all this and was, to say the least, quite offended.

Am I really that bad of a kisser? Percy asked himself. He really didn't understand what was so wrong.

He was sitting in class, right before lunch, when he caught himself staring at her. She was on the other side of the classroom, of course, but that didn't matter.

She was wearing such a simple outfit, yet she looked so gorgeous in it. She had on a pair of light gray leggings and a plain white hoodie along with her gorgeous curls in a high ponytail.

Percy looked away quickly, and he felt his face get a little hot. Sure, she was pretty. But Percy refused to let himself confuse thinking someone is pretty with feelings.

He stared absentmindedly at the board until the class finally ended, then he headed off to lunch.

When he got there, a few of his friends were waiting at their usual table.

"Hey," he said unenthusiastically as he sat down next to Leo.

"Hey!" Grover replied. The only people at the table were Grover, Jason and Leo.

"Dude, dude, you will not believe what happened!" Leo scooched closer to Percy.

"What is it this time, Leo?" Percy was definitely not in the mood for Leo's shenanigans.

"I asked out Calypso!" The three other boys groaned.

"I see that's where you got the black eye from," Jason pointed out, wiggling his fork in the direction of Leo's face. Percy glanced over at Leo. He hadn't noticed his purple and blue eye before.

"Well...maybe...but I think if I ask her again she'd say yes!"

"Yeah, right, Leo," Percy rolled his eyes.

They sat and ate in silence for a while, until Grover piped up.

"Percy," Grover started, "Do you-"

"I know what you're gonna say, and I still don't wanna talk about it." Percy snapped. He realized he might have been a bit too harsh. "I-I'm sorry, G-Man. I just...haven't even talked to Annabeth yet. It's pretty hard to get a word in when she's ignoring me..." Percy mumbled.

"It's okay, we understand." Grover gave Percy a friendly nod.

"Uhm, but, if you maybe wanna say a little bit about what happened we wouldn't mind, would we guys?" Jason elbowed Grover and glared at Leo.

"R-Right!" Leo backed Jason up. Grover just mumbled something with a mouthful of food, so no one understood him.

Percy just stared at his plate and pushed his food around with his fork. He had kinda lost his appetite.

"Percy?" Jason asked.

"We kissed. That's all. Nothing to it." Percy said quickly.

Everyone was silent. They all stared at Percy in shock.

"You two...kissed?" Grover asked cautiously. Percy nodded.

"Dang! We thought you just had a really bad fight-" Jason stopped talking. He and Grover stared right above Percy's head.

"What are y'all staring at?" Leo turned around and went silent as well.

Finally, Percy's curiosity got the best of him. He turned around, and there stood Annabeth Chase. She was nervously fiddling with her hands.

"We need to talk." She said.

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