Chapter Fourteen

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They had just finished the second movie and decided to take a small break. Everyone got up and stretched a little bit, got some water, and Percy went and grabbed the blue oreo balls. They were gone in about three minutes, but he decided that was a good thing (maybe not for their health) because it meant everyone liked them.

After a little while, everyone got back into their spots and the third movie started playing. Over the two movies, everyone had gotten more comfortable. Hazel and Frank had gotten a little closer, Nico wasn't sitting on the arm anymore, Percy and Annabeth had gotten a little closer too. Leo was still a bit grumpy, but once the movie started he was too distracted to be mad.

Percy (as hard as he tried not to) noticed every time Annabeth cringed or even just smiled at something. He wouldn't admit this to anyone, but he was definitely focused more on her than the movie.

About thirty minutes into the movie (they were very lost) Percy noticed that Annabeth was shivering. He leaned down to her ear and whispered, "Are you cold?"

Annabeth looked up and met his eyes. She nodded slightly, so Percy leaned over the arm of the couch and grabbed his hoodie he had put there earlier. He handed it to Annabeth and she smiled.

"Thank you," She almost mouthed. Percy saw out of the corner of his eye Grover smirking at them. Percy could feel his face heat up a little bit, but he tried to ignore it.

After Annabeth put the hoodie on, she scooted a little closer to Percy and put her head on his shoulder. He smiled, but the rest of him was frozen.

What do I do with my arms? He asked himself, Should I put one around her waist? Shoulders? Leave them where they are? Oh my gods, I can't do this.

So, his final decision was to stay where he was and hope he just subconsciously did whatever was right.

Of course, nothing Percy did around Annabeth was subconscious anymore.


When the fourth movie started, Annabeth lifted her head from Percy's shoulder and met his eyes.

"I don't like this one," She whispered, "Wake me up when it's over?" Percy just nodded. Annabeth let out a small yawn and laid her head in Percy's lap with her legs curled up to her chest.

Percy could feel his heart beating out of his chest. He was a bit worried she could hear it. But he quickly tried to calm his nerves.

He was so focused on trying not to focus on Annabeth that he realized he actually had calmed down.

He turned his attention to the movie and started to actually get invested.

Just as they had caught the mermaid, Annabeth shifted.

He looked down at her and listened to her light snore. He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear which had fallen in her face. He automatically started playing with her curls after that.

Percy continued to play with her hair as he turned his attention back to the movie.

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