Chapter Twenty-Four

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Thalia texted Percy back and said that she could meet him at the park he was at in thirty minutes. So, he sat and waited for her, wondering what this meeting was going to go like.

Of course, he knew Thalia pretty well, but they rarely ever hung out together. If they did, it was always with a group, so he assumed Thalia would be suspicious.

He was a bit nervous about bringing up Luke to her. What if something really bad happened? He didn't want to make her relive things. Percy decided that if she showed any signs of being reluctant to tell him, he was going to make sure she wanted to. He desperately wanted to know why he had such a bad feeling about Luke, but he was going to make sure she was comfortable with it.

Then, there was the wondering what to do after (if) he was given the information. He could tell Annabeth was crushing hard, and the last thing he wanted to do was break her heart. Of course, he was already assuming the worst about what happened. It could have just been a silly argument they had a few years back and never recovered. But, if that were the case, then Percy wouldn't have a reason to stop Annabeth from going on her date tomorrow.

After a while of sitting and thinking, he heard footsteps approaching him. He looked up from the ground and standing in his line of view was Thalia. She was wearing ripped black jeans, combat boots and a big hoodie. Her short, black, choppy hair had some blue highlights in it. Her electric blue eyes stared unwavering at Percy. She had a hand on her hip and gave him an odd look.

"You need something?" She asked. Percy cleared his throat.

"Oh! Yes, I do, actually," He got up from the swing and motioned for her to follow him to the bench he set his skateboard by.

"Still skate?" Thalia pointed to Percy's skateboard. A wide smile took over Percy's face despite his terrible mood.

"Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?" Thalia just shrugged and took a seat. Percy sat down next to her.

After a few moments of silence (due to Percy being too nervous to bring up the subject), Thalia rolled her eyes and spoke up.

"Why exactly am I here?"

Percy paused and considered his next words. "Um, it's kinda about Annabeth,"

Thalia looked at Percy and smirked, "Mhm, and what about Annabeth?" Percy didn't like her tone.

"Well, ugh, I don't know how to say this," Percy rested his head in his hands and sighed. Thalia laughed a bit.

"It's fine, Perce. I'll say it for you! You're in love!" She laughed and poked him in the side.

"Thalia! I am not in love with Annabeth!" He liked her, obviously, but he didn't know about love yet.

"Stop pretending, Percy, I can tell you like her,"

"Fine! I like her! But not love," He clarified.

"Okay then, why exactly am I here for this?" She still had a smile on her face, but her tone became less enthusiastic.

"Well, she has a date tomorrow," Percy said. Thalia's smile wavered.

"With who?" She asked. Percy examined her face closely, ready to take note of her reaction.

"Luke Castellan,"

All of the color from her face drained, and her smile completely disappeared. Her mouth dropped open in shock. After a few moments, she collected herself a bit more.

"She's going on a date...with L-Luke?"

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