Chapter Two

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You see, Percy didn't think very highly of Annabeth. Of course, he didn't really know her, but one wrong first impression when they were twelve years old and now they hate each other.

They rarely ever interacted with each other, but if they did it was full of bickering. Percy hated her guts. And he assumed she thought the same, considering she told him that everytime they talked. Granted, Percy said the exact same things and half of the time said them first.

Basically, there was no friendship between them. But, Annabeth's huge friend group overlapped a bit with Percy's. In fact, some of Percy's closest friends were also Annabeth's closest friends. Meaning they spent a lot more time with each other than they wanted to.

Percy slipped into the seat next to her, each of them giving a deadly glare to the other.

"Couldn't you sit somewhere else, Seaweed Brain?" She asked sharply.

"Look around, Wise Girl. There aren't any available." Ah yes. The nicknames. Those came out of their first fight, when they had just met. Annabeth quickly assumed Percy had no brain and it was all filled with seaweed and Percy though Annabeth was too smart for her own good. Yup. Annabeth's was a bit more insulting.

Annabeth huffed in response, and Percy settled into his seat. He payed attention to everything except what Mr. Blofis was talking about. He looked out the window and watched the leaves slightly swaying in the wind, he watched the birds until he noticed a squirrel. Then he internally laughed at himself for being distracted by a squirrel.

By the end of the lesson, Percy had heard approximately five of the words that came out of the teachers mouth. (Not including the whole detention thing.)

He got up and quickly scurried out of the room, being careful not to interact with Annabeth in any way, shape or form.

As he made his way through the hallway to his locker, he ran into one of his best friends, Grover.

"And she is just so absolutely stunning!" He gushed.

"Mhm," Percy repeated for what felt like the hundredth time. Grover was talking about his longtime girlfriend, Juniper. As he usually did. They had gotten together a few years back and were inseparable.

"Percy, I just love her so much." Grover sighed with a dreamy look on his face.

"I know, G-Man, I know," Percy patted Grover on the back and then opened his locker. What for, he didn't know. He never really got books out of it anyway.

"Percy!" Percy turned to the sound of his name. Running towards him was Jason, his other best friend.


"You will not believe what just happened!"


"Leo-" Speak of the devil. Leo jumped onto Jason's back and put a hand over his mouth. Jason stumbled back a bit, surprised, but short little latino elf Leo couldn't really do much to him.

"-is the most amazing person in this whole entire school!" Leo finished

Grover scoffed, "I really highly doubt that's what Jason was gonna say,"

Percy and Grover peeled Leo off of Jason.

"As I was saying," Jason glared at Leo, "Leo tried to ask out Khione!"

Percy held back a laugh and Grover gaped.

"Leo, dude, no offense but she is way out of your league."

Leo scoffed and crossed his arms, "Da ladies luv Leo." He said.

"Of course they do, buddy," Jason patted his arm, "Maybe next time try someone who isn't the ice queen of the school, mmk?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'll warm up to her eventually,"

"You can try, Leo. You can try." Grover laughed and they all started walking off to their next classes, which Percy was definitely looking forward to.

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