Chapter Eighteen

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"Y-Yeah, of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Annabeth started fiddling with her necklace. Percy smirked at her.

"Wise girl, is there something you're not telling me?" He put a hand on his hip and squinted his eyes at her.

"Er, well, maybe a little something..." She dragged on.

"Annabeth," Percy said firmly, trying not to laugh.

"You see, well, I don't exactly know how to skate," She looked down at her feet. Percy couldn't help himself anymore, he burst out laughing.

"Percy!" Annabeth whined.

"I-I'm sorry," He clutched his stomach and bent over from laughing. Annabeth crossed her arms and pouted.

"I'm sorry!" He said again, calming himself down. "I just-I just...why'd you come then?" Percy straightened out and smiled a bit.

"Well, maybe I want to learn," Annabeth defended herself.

"Oh really?" Percy rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, then, here you go!" Percy handed her his board. She just looked at it and back at him.

"What? You expect me to just get on?" She stared at him with wide eyes.

Percy chuckled at her, "How do you expect to learn?" Annabeth's face got red.

"I don't know, but maybe some instruction would be nice? Don't just hand it to me!" She stomped her foot.

"Okay, okay! I guess I'll help you," Annabeth rolled her eyes as Percy took the board from her. He set it on the ground and motioned for her to stand on it. She stayed where she was, hand on her hip. Percy rolled his eyes. He reached over to her and slid his hands into hers. He lightly tugged her toward the board. She seemed caught off guard, so Percy easily got her to move.

He cleared his throat, "Ready?" He asked her. She nodded a bit and put one foot on the board.

"Percy, you have to swear not to let go of me," She spoke with dead seriousness. His smile grew.

"Don't worry, Wise Girl. I'm not going anywhere." She cautiously put her other foot on the board. After standing there a moment, she started to smile.

"Hey! Hey, I'm-" The board moved a little bit, and Annabeth screamed. She ripped her hands from Percy's and put them on his shoulders so she'd be more steady. Percy's hands made their way to her waist.

Percy made eye contact with Annabeth, and they both smiled.

"See? You're doing it!" Annabeth laughed a little bit.

"Yeah, you're right! I am," Her smile grew wider.

"Okay, I'm gonna start moving you now, you ready?"

"Wait! Percy...Percy I don't think I'm-" Percy ignored her and slowly started walking, pulling her with him. He felt her grip on his shoulders tighten a bit, but then Annabeth started laughing.

"I'm doing it!" She smiled. Percy returned the smile.

"I'm gonna let go now, okay?" Percy noticed something in Annabeth's eyes. Like she was ready to take on the world.

She nodded and Percy let go of her. It took a few seconds before she let go of Percy's shoulders, and when she did, Percy gave her a light push and started walking alongside her.

After a few seconds, Annabeth stopped moving. She looked at Percy expectantly. He just laughed at her.

"Annabeth, you have to move,"

"But you didn't show me how," She complained.

Percy sighed. He showed her how to fix her footing, and which foot she needed to use to push off the ground. A few minutes later, and she basically got a hold of it.

"There you go!" Percy yelled after her. She was laughing, and going straight ahead. Percy ran over to her and walked by her. "Ready to try turning?" He asked her.

"Uh, I think so!"

"Okay, start leaning this way a little bit," He instructed her. She did as he said, but in the process she lost her balance. She toppled over and landed on top of Percy.

"Owww," He rubbed his head. Annabeth lifted her head from his chest.

"Oh my gods! I am so sorry, are you okay?" Percy propped himself up on his elbows and realized how close him and Annabeth were. He felt his face get hot and noticed hers turn a little pink.

"Annabeth, I-"

"Percy? Percy! Is that you?" Percy let out a sigh and looked over to where his name was getting called. Walking towards them was Travis Stoll decked in skate gear.

"Hey, dude- whoa," He finally noticed Annabeth. Annabeth jumped off of Percy and walked a few feet away. Percy stayed on the ground, trying his best not to look disappointed.

"Uh, hey, man," Travis walked over to Percy and reached out his hand. Percy took it and Travis pulled him up.

"Sorry," Travis whispered to him. Percy tried for a bright smile.

"Nothing to be sorry for," He looked over at Annabeth who was playing with a piece of her hair.

"Uh, hi, Annabeth," Travis greeted her. She took a few steps toward them.

"Hi," She responded, a small (seemingly forced) smile playing on her face.

"I didn't know you two had a thing," Travis laughed and elbowed Percy's side. Percy and Annabeth's faces got even redder.

"We don't!" They both shouted. Travis just laughed harder.

"Keep telling yourselves that," Travis patted them both on the shoulders. Before they had a chance to respond, Connor started calling Travis from across the park.

"And that's my cue! See you two lovebirds at school," He winked at them both and ran across the skatepark to meet his brother.

Neither Percy or Annabeth said anything, they both just stood awkwardly next to each other.

"I'm uh, sorry, Percy," Annabeth broke the silence but didn't face him.

"Would you stop saying sorry for everything?" He asked. She turned to look at him, "Sorry," Percy gave her a pointed look. "S-"

"Annabeth Chase!" They both started laughing.

"Maybe, wanna go grab a snack or something?" Annabeth asked him.

"I'd love to."

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