Chapter Thirty-Four

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Two Weeks Later

It was finally the day. Luke's trial. They had enough evidence of what Luke did, so now they were going to figure out what the consequences were. Percy hoped for death, but he figured that might be a little bit of a stretch.

Percy's mom said he had to dress nice for the trial. Of course, he didn't exactly want to, but there was kinda a dress code for this kind of thing. He put on his khakis (that he didn't even know he had, his mom found them) along with a collared shirt. He tucked in his shirt, put on his belt and then his tie. When he finally figured his tie out, he found his nicest shoes and put those on as well. Once he was done getting dressed, he tried to fix his hair, but as usual, to no avail. His mom even put a little bit of gel in it, but it still looked messy.

Once he was ready, he made his way over to Annabeth's house. When he got there, he knocked on the door and Annabeth opened.

She was wearing a white sundress that had flowers decorating it. She was a bit taller now, because she was wearing wedges, but she was still a tad bit shorter than Percy. Her gorgeous curly blonde hair was in a beautiful braided updo, and there were strands framing her face. She had her gray purse on her shoulder and greeted Percy with a smile.

"Hey, Perce!" She opened her arms for a hug and Percy obliged.

"Hey, Wise Girl. How are you feeling? Happy? Excited? Nervous? I'm kind of nervous," Percy fidgeted with his hands.

Annabeth laughed at him, "You seem more stressed than I am, Seaweed Brain," Percy just smiled in response.

A few moments later, Percy realized they may have been holding eye contact a bit too long.

"Uh, you look beautiful, by the way," He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thank you," Annabeth's smile grew wider, "You look quite handsome, yourself. I didn't even know a skater boy like you could clean up in the first place," She teased.

Percy fake laughed at first, but it turned into a real laugh. He couldn't control the amount of happiness he felt when he was around Annabeth. The feelings he had for her before (and during) this whole ordeal happened only tripled in the past three weeks.

Of course, he was giving her time. He didn't want to pressure her into something she didn't want right after everything that happened, so he kept his feelings to himself until she gave him a sign she was ready.

"Are you two ready yet?" Annabeth called to her parents. There were some faint yells from inside the house. She turned back to Percy, "I'm gonna take that as a yes," She decided.

"Well then, you first, m'lady," Percy moved out of the doorway and bowed, motioning for her to head to the car.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and laughed, causing Percy to laugh as well. Then they both sat in the car, anxiously awaiting Luke's trial.

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