Chapter Seventeen

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Percy sat next to Annabeth on the driveway, both eating ice cream bars they stole from Grover's freezer. They were trying to dry off a bit, then they were going to go finish cleaning.

"I totally won!" Percy said snarkily, taking a bite of ice cream.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and laughed, "I sprayed the hose on you last. And I also initiated the truce, therefore I am the winner," She held her head up and laughed some more.

Percy admired her. Her now damp curls fell on her shoulders, and framed her face perfectly. She was still wearing her leggings and t-shirt from the night before, and Percy still thought she looked absolutely stunning. He was mesmerized by her laugh. Her sweet, adorable laugh. He didn't think he had heard anything so amazing before.

Annabeth caught him staring and her smile faded, "What?" She asked, brushing her face. "Do I have something on my face?" Her cheeks reddened a little.

"N-No! Sorry I..." Percy's voice faded out. What was he supposed to say?

Annabeth laughed a little and rolled her eyes, "Seaweed brain," Percy laughed at this, and they finished their ice creams.


A few hours after Annabeth left, Percy was still thinking about her. He had left Grover's house and headed to his apartment where he was sprawled on the bed, listening to music.

When he couldn't take doing nothing anymore, he decided to go to the skate park. He got ready, grabbed his skateboard and said goodbye to his mom.

He made it to the skate park and hardly anyone was there. And definitely no one he knew.

After skating around and pulling a few tricks for about thirty minutes, he decided to take a break.

He made his way to the nearby bench where he set his bag. He sat down, took off his helmet and started chugging water. He flipped his sweaty hair out of his face and picked up his phone. He had one notification that stuck out: a text from Annabeth. He quickly slid the text and read it.

Hey, Seaweed Brain. What's up?

Percy smiled as he read the text and typed out a response.

nothing much, wise girl. just at the skatepark :) what are you up to?

He impatiently waited for her text back, tapping his foot against the concrete. After watching the little typing bubble for a few minutes, a text finally appeared.

Not much, just chilling at home. Do you mind if I join you?

Percy's heart almost exploded out of his chest. Annabeth wanted to come hang with him! And they had already spent most of the day together, so she must have actually enjoyed her time with him. His smile grew even wider as he replied.

of course!

He told her the address and she said she'd be there in fifteen minutes.

Percy paced around a bit, running his fingers through his hair. After what felt like an eternity, Percy finally saw her walked towards him in the distance. He smiled and waved at her, and she waved back.

As she got closer to him, Percy's heartbeat quickened. She had her hair in a ponytail and was wearing ripped black jeans, a white crop top and a big flannel.

"I see you dressed for the part," Percy pointed out.

Annabeth's face grew red, "Oh, uh, you see, I...I just thought maybe-"

"You look great, Annabeth," They both smiled, "Uh, you ready to skate?"

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