Chapter Thirteen

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When Percy entered the living room he noticed Annabeth sitting on the couch, fiddling with her fingers. She was just wearing leggings and a t-shirt with her hair in a high ponytail, small pieces framing her face. Percy thought she was as beautiful as ever.

Percy walked over to her and plopped down on the couch next to her. She seemed a bit startled, but when she realized who it was a small smile spread across her face.

"Hey," Percy returned the smile.

"Hi," She said, "How are you?"

"Pretty good, now,"

Annabeth laughed, "That's good to hear,"
"What have you done since I last saw you?" Percy asked her.

"Oh, you know, homework. That's pretty much it."

"Ew, that's not fun." They both laughed.

"PERCYYYYYY!" A scream came from the kitchen. Percy rushed to Grover with Annabeth close behind.

"What is it?!" He yelled.

"I burned the popcorn," Grover said. Percy rolled his eyes.

"Really, dude? I leave you alone for two minutes and you ruin the popcorn. How are you living alone again?" Grover just shrugged in response. Annabeth laughed as Percy pushed Grover out of the way and grabbed the popcorn popper. He dumped the burnt popcorn in the trashcan and started washing all the burned bits from the bottom.

"You know what?" Grover started, "I think I will go, uh, set up the living room more." He turned to Annabeth, "Can you help Percy with the popcorn?"

"Sure, I'd love to," She nodded.

"Great! Grover hobbled out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Do you mind grabbing the sugar from the pantry?" Percy asked Annabeth as he finished up washing the popper.

"Sure," She walked over to the pantry and grabbed the small bag of sugar and set it down by the stove.

Percy dried off the popcorn popper and set it down on the stove. He began measuring out the oil and poured it in.

"You bake a lot?" Annabeth asked. Percy burst out laughing, but he quickly shut his mouth when he realized she was serious. He cleared his throat.

"Uh, I mean, popcorn isn't exactly baking, but, I do some. My mom taught me a lot."

Annabeth turned red and coughed awkwardly, "Uh, yeah, that's uh, what I meant."

Percy's smile grew. He poured the popcorn kernels and sugar into the pot. He immediately started stirring.

"Have you ever made popcorn before?" He asked her

"Uh, yeah. If you count putting a bag in a microwave," They both started laughing.

"Well," Percy said in between small laughs, "How about you take over here and I'll clean up a bit and get ready to start making the other popcorn?"

Annabeth agreed and started stirring the popcorn. While Percy walked around the kitchen tidying things up, he heard the doorbell a few times. He could hear people talking in the other room but couldn't have said what they were talking about.

After a few minutes of talking and laughing, Percy and Annabeth had finally finished both of the popcorns and cleaned up the mess they had left behind.

They brought the two big bowls of popcorn into the living room and set them on the coffee table.

The only other people who had arrived were Piper, Jason, Leo and Nico. They all greeted each other then Annabeth and Percy took a seat next to each other on the couch.

Jason elbowed Nico in the side, which jolted him out of his staring contest with the door.

"Waiting for someone?" Jason teased.

"Shut up, Grace," Nico responded coldly.

"He is totally waiting for someone," Annabeth added.

Percy decided to give in to the teasing, "Who else is invited, Grover?" Grover tapped his chin and thought for a second.

"Uh, the people who aren't here yet are Reyna, Thalia, Hazel, Frank, Juniper and Will."

Everyone glanced around at each other, then focused on Nico's face, which, to Percy, seemed a little red.

"Will," They all said in unison.

"I hate you all," He crossed his arms and sunk into the couch.

"Okay, let's leave the poor kid alone," Jason said,

Piper rolled her eyes, "You literally started it but okay,"


After a few minutes, everyone had arrived and found comfortable(ish) seating. Reyna and Thalia were sharing a bean bag, and the second bean bag was occupied by Grover and Juniper.

Nico and Will were both awkwardly sitting on the recliner, Will sitting in the actual seat while Nico just sat on the arm. There was some argument from Will about that arrangement, but Nico ended up winning.

Jason and Piper were snuggled up on the loveseat with a less than happy Leo smushed against the arm of it.

Hazel, Frank, Annabeth and Percy were all sitting on the biggest couch, but it was still a bit squished.

Grover turned on the TV and started to play the first movie. "Let's get this party started!"

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