Chapter Seven

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The ride back from Jason's felt like an eternity. All Percy could think about was Annabeth. She obviously wasn't happy with the situation, but Percy couldn't help but think he felt something. He decided to brush it off and deal with it later.

Why handle your feelings when you can bottle them up and wait for them to explode! Percy thought.

When he got home he was greeted by his Mom and her boyfriend, Paul (Mr. Blofis at school.)

"Hey, Percy!" His mom hugged him, "How was the party?"

"Yeah, it was fine," Percy replied vaguely. He didn't exactly want to spill all his secrets to his mom. Especially when he probably couldn't explain what happened anyway.

He ignored the rest of his mom's interrogation and went into his room.

He changed into his pajamas and plopped into his bed. He stared at the ceiling and tried to think about what had happened earlier that night.

The problem was, everything was starting to blur. All he remembered was that he kissed Annabeth. He couldn't remember anything that they said before they kissed.

He laid there and tried to recall, when his phone started blowing up. He ignored it for a few minutes before he finally got tired of it. He picked up his phone and had a bunch of texts and missed calls from people who were at the party. His phone started ringing again and it was Jason. Percy decided he better answer it.

"Hello?" Percy said a little lifelessly.

"Percy! Finally, you picked up!" Percy heard a lot of whispering in the background before Jason spoke again. "What happened?" Jason asked cautiously.

Percy paused. "Jason, I better not be on speaker phone." He heard some people curse through the phone.

"Fine, fine, I'm taking you off," A few seconds of random noise later, Jason started talking. "Okay! Just us, Perce. Tell me what happened? Please,"

Percy hesitated again. He would honestly rather talk to Annabeth about what happened first, but she obviously was not happy about it.

"Uh, you know what? How about you ask Annabeth. She can tell you all she wants,"

"Wai-" Percy didn't let Jason finish. He shut off his phone and threw it into the chair next to his bed. He snuggled under the blankets, hoping to get some sleep. As he closed his eyes his mind filled with thoughts of a certain blonde.


The next morning Percy woke up with a slight headache. He had had way worse, but he still didn't feel good. Not to mention everything that happened the night before.

Thankfully, Percy still remembered it. Or, at least, everything he needed to remember.

He slowly got dressed in the same type of outfit he usually did. Some pair of jeans, a plain tshirt, and a flannel or hoodie or jacket of some sort along with his vans and a beanie.

This time, he woke up early enough to have breakfast.

He sat down at the dining room table with his mom, who had made him blue waffles. He drowned them in syrup and ate a whole stack in approximately five minutes.

When he was done with breakfast he thanked his mom, kissed her goodbye and ran out the door.

He made it to school just fine, hid his skateboard in a bush like usual and headed into the school.

He realized that he was actually a bit early. There were still lots of kids in the halls, but he had a few minutes to get to class. So, obviously, he decided to go where no one would find him: the library.

Percy was not a big reader. Which meant the library was the last place anyone would look for him!

As he walked through one of the aisles, running his hands along a row of books, he ran into something.

Wait, not something...someone.

"Percy!" Annabeth shrieked.

Did she just use my name? Percy thought

"Oh, Annabeth, I'm glad you're here-"

"Actually, I need to go!" Annabeth rushed past him and sprinted out of the library. Percy could've sworn he saw a slightly pink tint to her cheeks.

In all honesty, Percy was glad she left. As much as he knew he had to talk to her eventually, he had no idea what he was going to say.

Percy continued walking through the library until the bell rang, and he headed off to class.

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