Chapter Eleven

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Percy spent any free time he had the rest of the day talking to Annabeth. In all honesty, he couldn't believe it. This girl who he hated for years was suddenly his friend. And he enjoyed spending time with her.

Maybe if they hadn't been so stubborn all those years they would've already been best friends.

Percy walked out of school with a huge smile plastered on his face. He couldn't stop thinking about how much fun he had with Annabeth. He had even already forgotten the fact that they kissed. All that mattered was they were actually talking.

Grover ran up from behind Percy and tapped his shoulder. Percy spun around,

"Hey I-whoa," Grover looked concerned. He glanced around them and leaned in closer to Percy. "You're not high, are you?"

"What? No, why do you ask?"

"You seem to have had a big mood change since lunch, Mr. Sassy Pants."

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that. I was just a bit grumpy. I'm all good now!" If Percy's smile could grow any wider it would have.

"Ooookay..." Grover skeptically looked Percy up and down, then continued what he was originally saying.

"Anyway, we're thinking of having a group movie night tonight, and I know you're like on bad terms with Annabeth or whatever but-"

"I'd love to come!" Percy interrupted. Grover looked stunned.

"Okay, that's it. You are definitely high." Grover rolled his eyes as he grabbed Percy's arm and started dragging him into the parking lot.

"Wait! Grover, I'm not high! Also my skatebooooard!" Percy whined like a little baby.

"Fine, go get your skateboard. But I'm driving you home!"

Percy sprinted to go get his skateboard then ran back to Grover who was waiting by his yellow buggy. They both got in and Grover drove off.

"So, why are you so happy?" Grover asked him.

Percy glanced out the window like he was in a movie.

"I just had a good day, that's all," Percy responded. Grover scoffed.

"Really? You were in such a bad mood earlier though," He pointed out.

"Yeah, well, I'm not anymore." Percy turned his head towards Grover. Grover took his eyes off the road for a moment to glance at Percy, but quickly looked back in front of him.

"Was it Annabeth?" Grover asked. Percy looked towards the road.

"Yes," He answered, a small smile on his face.

"I'm putting money on it, you two are together by the end of the school year."

"Pfft, yeah right! We're just friends. Twenty bucks?" Percy smirked.

"Deal," After Grover pulled into a parking spot in front of Percy's apartment building, they shook hands.

"Where's the movie night tonight?" Percy asked before getting out of the car.

"My house...actually, do you want to come over right now? You can help me set up and stuff."

"Sure! Lemme go change first," Percy got out of the car and ran up the stairs. He greeted his mom as he entered the apartment and let her know where he was going.

He walked into his room, threw his backpack into the chair by his desk and leaned his skateboard against the wall. He quickly changed into gray sweatpants, a black graphic tee and grabbed a hoodie in case he got cold. He kept his vans and beanie on, of course.

He made sure his phone was in his pocket then he headed out of his room and into the kitchen.

"Bye, mom!" He hugged her, "I'll see you later!"

"Bye, honey! Have fun,"

Percy headed out of the door and back down to the parking lot. Grover greeted him as soon as he got in the car.

"Took you long enough," He pulled out of the parking lot and started heading to his house.

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