Chapter Thirty

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Percy and Annabeth sat on the curb for a while longer, Annabeth sobbing in his arms. He rubbed her back and whispered encouraging things in her ear. She hadn't exactly told Percy what Luke had done to her, but he had a pretty good guess. And he was gonna kill him for it.

"Annabeth," Percy whispered as he pulled slightly away from the hug. "You wanna go home?"

Annabeth shook her head. Percy chuckled a little bit.

"We can't exactly stay here all night," Annabeth leaned her head against Percy's chest.

"We can't?" Her voice was quavering. Percy shook his head.

"What do you want to do?" He softly asked her. He didn't want to stress her out, but he did kinda park in the middle of the street.

She lifted her head off of his chest and looked at him. Percy studied her now red and puffy eyes. They looked so broken, it made Percy want to cry.

"Can we go to your place? I'd rather my parents not see me like this..." She looked down at herself. Percy lifted her chin with his finger and wiped more of her tears.

"If that's what you want, of course we can," He stood up from the curb and held his hands out to Annabeth. She took hold and he pulled her up. He continued to hold one of her hands as he led her to the passengers side of the car. He opened the door for her and helped her in. Once she was situated he closed the door and walked over to the drivers side. He got in the car, started the ignition and drove down the road.

The ride to his apartment was quiet, but Percy would hear Annabeth sniffle every once in a while. At some point, Percy reached over and grabbed her hand. He gently rubbed her hand with his thumb, trying to be comforting to her.

Once they reached the apartment, they both got out of the car and headed to the apartment. When they made it inside, Percy noticed that no one was there. He guessed his mom must have gone to bed.

He led Annabeth to his room and motioned for her to sit on the bed. He started rifling through his drawers until he found the smallest sweatpants he had, then he grabbed a big t-shirt and hoodie. He handed them to Annabeth.

"You can change and I'll go make some tea. Does that sound good?" Annabeth gave him a small smile and nodded.

He left his room, closing the door behind him, and walked into the kitchen. He started the kettle on the stove and got some mugs from the cabinet. While Percy was waiting for the kettle to whistle, Annabeth made her way into the kitchen

Her hair was now in a messy bun and she was wearing the clothes Percy gave her. Even though it wasn't really the best time, Percy couldn't help but think about how cute she looked. He didn't realize seeing her in his oversized hoodie was what he was missing in his life.

But, Percy noticed her makeup still smudged on her face, so he lightly took her hand and pulled her to the bathroom. He opened one of the drawers and pulled out a jar of coconut oil.

"Uh, this is what my mom uses to take off her makeup...I think..." Percy handed Annabeth the jar and rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.

"Oh, thank you," The kettle started whistling and Percy left Annabeth to take off what was left of her makeup.

He got into the kitchen and poured them both some tea. Annabeth came back, with a clean face, and added the sugar and cream she wanted to her tea. They both made their way back to Percy's room and sat down on the bed.

"Um, how are you feeling?" Percy asked after he took a sip of his tea.

"I, uh-" She sniffled a little bit, "I'm terrified, to be completely honest,"

Percy scooched a little closer to her and pulled her in with one arm. She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Whenever you're ready to talk about it, I'll be here, okay?" She nodded.

"Percy, can we just...stay like this...for a little while?" Percy smiled and hugged her tighter.

"As long as you want,"

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