Chapter Ten

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Percy walked back into the cafeteria, still extremely confused. He sat down at the table and everyone else seemed to notice his daze.

"Dude, what happened?" Grover asked.

"Y'all make out and now you're a couple?" Leo asked, nudging Percy in his side.

"Percy?" Jason reached across the table and waved a hand in Percy's face.

"We're friends." Is all Percy could get out.

Everyone at the table seemed to understand that Percy was disappointed in the fact that Annabeth had asked to be friends, maybe it was just the vibe Percy gave off.

"Hey, it'll be okay!" Leo comforted him. "I get friendzoned like all the time-"

"Not helping, Leo." Jason and Grover both cut him off. Leo just rolled his eyes and continued trying to build a tower out of silverware.

"It's really fine, guys. We hate each other anyway."

Percy caught Jason and Grover sharing a look.

"What?" Percy glanced between the two. They didn't respond.

"What?" He asked again, "What is it?"

"Percy..." Grover started, "I really think you're lying."

Percy froze. "What?" He repeated.

"Perce, you two obviously don't hate each other. You kissed each other."

"It was a just a ga-"

"You care too much for it to just be a game, Percy." Grover pointed out.

"Okay, you know what? I'm done with you people!" Almost on cue, the school bell rang to signal the end of lunch.

Percy got up and headed to his next class. He got there before the teacher so he sat down and started scrolling through his phone.

After only a minute of scrolling, Percy noticed someone sit next to him.

He looked up and his eyes met stormy gray ones.

"Hi," She said, a light smile on her face.

"Hey," Percy returned the smile.

"Uh, how are you?" She asked, pulling some books out of her bag.


"Great!" Annabeth paused. "This feels weird, doesn't it?"

"What does?" He knew exactly what she was talking about. She just rolled her eyes and responded.

"This," She pointed between them. "You know...being friends," Annabeth mocked Percy's finger guns.

Percy rolled his eyes and scoffed. "You're right. It is weird being friends." Percy lightly punched Annabeth's arm.

They both started laughing hysterically.

They talked and made jokes until the teacher came into the room, making them shut up.

Of course. Teachers ruin everything.

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