Chapter Thirty-One

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Eventually, the two finished drinking their tea and just sat there. Percy was a bit afraid to say anything, because Annabeth had finally stopped crying. He also didn't want to pressure her into talking about it when she wasn't ready. He knew that she would tell him eventually.

So, Percy sat there, his arm around Annabeth, not saying a word. Eventually, he noticed her snoring slightly. She had fallen asleep. Percy gently laid her down on his bed and placed the covers over her. He walked to the door and turned off the light. He leaned against the door frame and admired her. It was nice to see how peaceful she looked after what a terrible night she had.

"Goodnight, Wisegirl," He whispered. Percy slowly turned and started to walk out of the room when he heard her quiet voice come from the room.

"Percy, wait," Percy turned back around and slowly made his way to his bed. He stood beside her and rubbed her shoulder.

"Yes?" He asked softly.

"Can you...can you stay with me? Please?" Percy noticed she had a bit of fear in her voice.

"Annabeth, maybe I should just sleep on the-"

"I don't want to be alone," She said weakly. She took hold of his hand and pulled at it. Percy didn't want her to be scared, so he gave in and let her pull him into the bed. He snuggled under the covers and Annabeth rested her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and relaxed a bit.

"Thank you," Was the last Percy heard before she drifted off to sleep. Percy, however, didn't fall asleep so easily. He struggled with sleeping on a normal basis, but now, his crush was asleep on his chest. He was worried the loud beating of his heart would wake her up, but she didn't seem affected. He laid there, with his eyes closed, and took a deep breath. All he could smell was Annabeth's hair, which was like lemons. It made him smile a bit as he tried to force his mind to go blank so he could go to sleep.

Eventually, he finally drifted off into a deep sleep, hugging Annabeth tightly.


When Percy woke up, he was basically in the exact same position as he was the night before. Which was odd, considering Percy usually moved around a lot in his sleep. He removed one hand from Annabeth's waist and reached for his phone. He checked the time, which was 9:45. He set his phone back down on the nightstand and snuggled back up to Annabeth.

As much as he tried, Percy couldn't help but stare at her. She looked so calm and peaceful, it made Percy happy to think she was a bit more relaxed now than she was the night before. He carefully brushed a piece of hair out of her face, and she stirred a little bit.

"Hmph," Annabeth groaned.

"Good morning, sunshine," Percy smiled down at her. Annabeth slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Percy. She looked confused for a second, but then realization suddenly dawned on her. She squeezed her eyes shut, and Percy pulled her closer.

"How are you feeling?"

"I-I'm great,"

"Annabeth," Percy said in a more serious tone, she was obviously lying. She sighed, and Percy noticed a few tears fall from her eyes.

"Why me," She whispered, "Why did I have to be so stupid,"

"Hey, you're not stupid. This could've happened to anyone," Percy paused. He considered asking for clarification about exactly what happened, but he decided to let her tell him on her own time.

He rubbed her back as silent tears streamed down her face.

"I owe you an explanation," She sniffled.

"You don't owe me anything, Annabeth,"

"B-But I...I want to tell you. At least... let me explain myself," Annabeth sat up, wiping her tears. Percy followed, sitting up in front of her.

"If you're ready to talk then I'm ready to listen,"

"Everything...everything started out so great. He was so-so nice to me and he treated me like a princess. I don't know how everything went downhill so fast...I should have noticed the red flags, I should have-"

"No. None of that," Percy interrupted her, "Don't blame yourself, okay?" Annabeth nodded and continued.

"At some point, he started convincing me to change little things. Just like my daily schedule. Then, he got more in my head. He changed my classes around, he always said he had something planned whenever anyone asked me to hang out...he was always waiting to drag me out of school..." She paused and sniffled a little. Percy grabbed her hands and squeezed them tight.

"I'm not sure when, but I stopped getting texts and calls from people...I figured that everything Luke had been saying was the truth. That none of y'all really cared about me and I-I guess I kinda started to avoid everyone..." She took one of her hands away from Percy's and wiped her eyes. Percy could feel his heart breaking. All that time he thought she was ignoring him because she hated him. But in reality, she thought he hated her. She couldn't have been more wrong.

"It got even worse when he started bringing me to these college parties. He would try to get me to drink when I really didn't want to. But, he somehow convinced me that if I didn't that meant I didn't like him hurt. It hurt to think that, so, no matter how much I fought, I would always cave in at some point," By this part, tears were steadily streaming down Annabeth's face. "Then...then last night..."

Percy pulled Annabeth close and rubbed her back.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm right here. Take your time," She let out a broken sob. Percy reached over to his nightstand and grabbed the box of tissues that was sitting there. He handed them to Annabeth. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose, then continued. Percy kept his hands on her arms and gently comforted her.

"Percy, he...he came onto me last night...I guess he had too much to drink and...and he...oh, gods I can't even say it," She sobbed harder, and Percy hugged her. He didn't exactly know what to do in a situation like this, considering he had never had this happen to him or someone else he knew, but what he did know was that he would be there for her. Just like he promised.

"You don't have to say it. I think I understand. But, I do have one question, if that's okay?" Annabeth nodded.

"Did he?" He pulled away and stared into Annabeth's eyes. They were even redder than before. She had tears streaming down her face as she slightly nodded her head. He pulled Annabeth into another hug, and held her tightly.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch. Just tell me when, and I'll be knocking down his door."

Annabeth didn't say anything, but she wrapped her arms around Percy's neck and buried her face in his chest.

"Thank you, Percy," He heard her slightly muffled voice.

"Of course, Wise Girl. I'm always here for you,"

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