Chapter Twenty-Seven: I'll Do It If You...

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Third Persons POV:

Todoroki Shoto was at home with his older sister, Todoroki Fuyumi, and he was telling her about how school was going. "And with exams coming up we started working on quirkless fighting as well. On top of that we're doing some personalized training to improve different skills." He told her which slightly surprised her. "That's really interesting Sho but how did they know what to put in everyone's personalized training? Did you have to fight a classmate or did your teacher have notes from over time?" Fuyumi asked her younger brother. "Well," he started, "we had to spar with a girl from class 3A. She was incredible, she beat every single one of us without breaking a sweat." He responded while looking over at his sister who was making dinner for those who were home. "Well she must have a really strong quirk if she was able to beat everyone." She responded whilst still focused on dinner. "That's the thing though, she didn't use her quirk on any of us!" her brother said with as much emotion as he could muster. She actually stopped and looked over at him at his statement, "How is that possible?" she asked turning to face her brother. "I don't know, Aizawa did say that they would be holding back and that if she didn't, she would have all of us down in a few seconds. He also said that she's beaten every teacher she's gone against with little effort." Shoto responded looking at her. She turned back to the meal she was making before she responded to him, "It's really good that she's a hero then, the world needs more people like her becoming heroes." Their conversation shifted after that to Fuymui's work but what neither of them knew was that there was a certain flame hero was standing just far enough from the kitchen that they couldn't see him but he could hear them.

The next morning when Shoto came downstairs for breakfast he was slightly surprised to see his father sitting at the table drinking coffee whilst reading the paper. He was about to leave when his father spotted him, "Shoto, come eat then go get ready." He stated as he stood from the table. When Shoto sat Endeavour started speaking again, "I'll be taking you to school today, I need to speak with your principal about something important." And with that he left the room.

The drive to school was quiet, neither father nor son was willing or wanting to make conversation. Upon arriving at school Shoto was quick to get out and put as much distance between him and the car as possible. He had wanted to leave without his father but knew he would get yelled at if he did and he'd rather not deal with that today. Endeavour watched as his son sped away as fast as he could without seeming suspicious but he couldn't care less in that moment. Right now, he needed to have a conversation with Nezu and he wasn't going to not see him. As he walked into the school students froze and moved out of his way, he was about halfway to Nezu's office when the bell rung but he just ignored it and continued on. He finally made it to the door he was looking for and knocked rather loudly.

A quiet "Come in" was heard from the other side of the door causing Endeavour to enter the office. "Ah, Endeavour! What can I do for you today?" Nezu asked before taking a sip of tea. "I heard that the students in my sons class had to spar with someone the other day, who was it?" he demanded looking over at Nezu. Nezu put his tea down before looking over at him, "Why would you like to know?" he asked him, "That doesn't concern you, just tell me who it was." He demanded again looking down at the principal with a slight angry look in his eyes.

Nezu stood from his desk then walked over to his office window and looked out it. "Wonder" he called through his link and paused knowing she wouldn't take long to respond when he called that name. "Yes Nezu, what is it?" she responded quickly causing him to smile. He explained what was happening and asked for her permission to tell Endeavour that it was her who the class sparred against, "Of course Nezu, whatever you need." She told him and he could hear the smile in her mental voice. He turned back to a very angry looking Endeavour and smiled at him, "She is a third year, from class 3A." He told him simply before walking back to his desk again. "What is her name and her quirk." Endeavour demanded which Nezu just sighed at, "She is called W and her quirk is classified." Nezu stated. "What do you mean it's classified?! I'm a top hero! I would have the clearance needed!" he roared in anger to which Nezu just simply responded again with "It's classified." Endeavour was put off by the adamancy but then made his next demand, "I want to meet her!". Nezu paused for a moment in thought, she did say whatever he needed so he agreed and called her down to his office.

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