xi. goodbye

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Series Three. Episode Twenty Two. Goodbye

LAUGHTER RANG THROUGH THE CHOIR ROOM. As the original six members of the glee club re-enacted their very first performance. Ruby watched with wide eyes as they enthusiastically sang  'Sit down you're rocking the boat' complete with choreography.

The rest of their friends burst into cheers when they hit their final positions. "Okay that was the most ghetto number I have ever seen!"  Santana confessed as she applauded them.

"Then just call me George Jefferson because we went from the ghetto to the penthouse. National champs baby!!" Artie preached.

Mr Shue made his way to the front of the choir room as the six took their seats again. "This week's assignment is easy. Graduation is in just a few days. There is nothing left to prepare for. There's only one thing left to do. Say goodbye. Underclassmen, pick a song to say goodbye to the seniors. Seniors, pic a song to say goodbye to us."

Mr Shue settled on a stool with his guitar, a solum look on his face. It was hard for him to think about saying goodbye to these kids.

"I really hope you're about to rap!" Quinn said loudly, causing everyone to laugh.

"No such luck, I'm leading by example. This one is for you guys." Mr Shue kicked off the assignment, playing 'Forever Young' to the kids that have helped keep his dreams alive and made him feel young and full of joy once again.


GATHERING AROUND THE GEOGRAPHY CLASSROOM, THE BOYS WERE ALL WAITING FOR THE TEACHER TO FINISH MARKING PUCK'S EXAM. All the boys were a bit restless in their waiting, Artie wheeling back and forth was starting to drive them all mad. When Ruby skidded around the end of the corridor and on seeing her boys gathered around the geography classroom. She took off in a sprint, "Have I missed it?" Ruby gasped as she reached them, they all shook their heads.

"How do you think you did?" Mike asked.

"My best." Puck replied unenthusiastically.

"Does your head hurt? Cause sometimes after I take a test, my head hurts. It's usually a good sign." Sam rambled.

'You know, it's weird I think I did good. Thanks to you guys of course. So thank you. You know it's hard growing up without a dad because you don't have any dude role models, except NFL players and video game characters. But I lucked out because instead of one dad, I got a whole gang of them. You guys have showed me what it means to be a man. Not just last night but for the past four years. Even you, Blaine."

Ruby watched from against the lockers with a smile as the boys all hugged it out, patting each other on the back with huge grins when the geography teacher emerged from the classroom holding his test paper.

Puck snatched it away from her and fled the group for some privacy. He quickly spun around and shouting in excitement, "I got a C- ! That's a Puckerman A+ ! I'm graduating!"

Ruby watched as all the boys started celebrating, Kurt even hugged the teacher in thanks and she couldn't stop grinning! Mike was in the middle of making Ruby jump up and down with him, when Puck grabbed her by the hand and pulled her away from Mike for a second, taking her away to speak to her in private.

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