7. Distrust

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Y/n yawned. She had had a long night of training with the Armatia. She now was able to make spells faster and fight with more weapons. She had also made several potions. She was still pissed about the whole room search thing. Sighing, she got up, got rid of the bed, and got to work. Her whole floor was essentially decimated but she tried her best. She tried to fit together floorboards that weren't completely torn up, but they all crumbled at the seams. Rubbing her eyes, she put her face in her hands.

You could use your magic...

Oh! My quirk!

"Pretty sunsets, a beautiful hue, make this room brand new!"

She fell to the floor as the room as it cleaned itself up. Her head was dizzy and she blinked, trying to get rid of it.

You are still recovering. I'm sorry, they should've helped you. You might go into a coma if you use your powers anymore.

Oh... Well, maybe there's food. I technically haven't eaten since I was in the hospital.

Y/n staggered into the other room. Mr. Aizawa was in the other room sipping some coffee. He gave her a weird look. "You shouldn't use your quirk outside of school."

BITCH... I have never been so irate. You can't say 'it's your room... you fix it' and then double back and say 'oh don't use your quirk even though it's beyond repair otherwise...

"Alright... Do you have any food?"

"Yeah, we have some things left somewhere, go make it yourself."

Y/n looked in seeing essentially a slice of ham, cheese, and bread. Forcing it into a sandwich, she ate it. "Is there school today?"


"Aw, well I can't wait to see everyone in class soon!"

Mr. Aizawa sighed. "You aren't going to be in classes or doing school activities."

Y/n blinked. "What? but I-"

"I'm not done. We are going to do a thorough search of your room. You aren't allowed to participate in the sports festival. Also, we need to know everything you know about your quirk."


"You will be under the observation of someone on staff at all times. You will be exploring your powers yourself under the staffs' eye."


"Most likely Power Loader. We will collect your findings at the end of the sports festival."

This is actual bullshit.

Y/n may have been barred from attending classes, but she could at least train herself at school. Under the watchful eye of Power Loader that is. 

I wish I had elemental powers or something... 

You do. You have spells, make elemental spells.

Oh yeah!

"Uh, so what do you even do?"

"I make rhyming spells or something... I haven't had time to just do anything with it. And I'm still sort of exhausted from overuse."

"Well... You wanted to be a hero right?"

"I have a quirk! I'm going to use it."

"But for good or evil?"

"Who knows at this point..."

"Yeah, you were talking about villain work before. A lot of teachers didn't want you here. For some reason Nezu wants you to stay. But we need to fix you up so you can be a true hero."

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