Chapter 7: Stray seaweed swordsman & Perverted love cook

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(No one's POV)

  The Strawhats welcomed and invited Sanji's family for dinner. Everyone ate while eyes were looking at the Green haired swordsman and the blonde cook with curious look as to how the two become lovers.

  "So.... Who did that to you..? I thought you're a Perverted-Woman loving guy..." Yonji said to Sanji while smirking.

    "Like hell you can say that. Youre the same as me. Ichiji and Niji too. Perverts idiots." Sanji commented.



  Sanji stepped on Zoro's foot when he heard him snickering beside him.

    "Hey.!! Whose the idiot here.!?" Ichiji said with a raised eyebrow.

  "Sanji, why did you included me." Niji said.

    "Of course he will include you. The four of you were brothers, quadruplets. So the four of you are idiots." Reiju said to the four brothers with a smirk.

  "Aaaand... What's wrong Pirate Hunter..? You look like you're in pain. Did a rock hit you." Reiju said grinning while looking at Zoro, who looks like his in so much pain, head slumped on the table grunting, while Sanji was just looking at Zoro with a smug look.

    "Its *grunt* its worst *grunt* *tsk* than that." Zoro said while glaring at the blonde cook, while the test of the Strawhats laughed at his miserable look.

  "So.... Who's the father, Sanji.?" Judge asked which Sanji ignored.

  After eating and cleaning the table, when the rest also finished their meals, not minding or looking at his father which the Strawhats and the Vinsmoke's understand. Reiju sighed at his brother's childish behavior, but she understand since she knows Sanji haven't forgiven their father yet. Even Ichiji and Yonji. She saw Niji looking at his two brothers and father with pity which made Reiju smacked his head, and for Niji to just ignored his sister.

  Once again, Reiju sighed and face her father. "Its Roronoa Zoro, father." Everyone looked at the person mentioned.

    "What.!?" Zoro said with a raised eyebrow while looking at them.

  Zoro sit up straight and pulled the blonde closer to him by the waist when Sanji sat down beside him which made Sanji blushed at the sudden action of his lover. He ignored Zoro and look at Reiju still blushing.

  "How.....did know...'know'....I and...Zoro..." Sanji asked. Everyone was also curious as to how she knew and so is Zoro.

    "Yeah.! How did you know Reiju.? Even us, didn't know, that these two we're in that relation. All we know is that they are rivals." Nami said.

  "Well, Mugiwara told me." Reiju answered like its nothing, which made the Strawhats jaw dropped while looking at Luffy.


  "Wait.... Maybe you're imagining things Reiju."

    "That's right. Our captain is an idiot."

  "Oi.! I'm not an idiot."

    "*smack* yes you are. Just shut up for a bit."

  "Nami-san is right Reiju. Luffy is too stupid and too dense. Besides, no one knew that me and this seaweed here were dating."

    "Who you calling seaweed."

  "Shut up Marimo. As I was saying. Its impossible Reiju, Luffy is too dense, he didn't even know that Trafalgar Law has a crush on him." Sanji said which earned a lot of nods and Nami smacking Luffy because he's yelling.

    "Wait.....wait....wait... What do you mean Law has a crush on Luffy." Zoro asked confused.

  "What, you didn't know.?" Zoro nod and so Sanji told him how did they know.


    "I made mugiwara told me. I asked him how's Sanji's life of being a pirate, if he had friends or if he had any love interest, his enemies and how strong had he become. He told me everything, at first, I don't know who is your love interest is, but Mugiwara told me that there was one time Pirate Hunter, was badly injured and was down for three days. He even told me that Chopper here said, that he'll fall into coma if he didn't woke up soon.

  Mugiwara said, that Sanji were so worried that he never left Roronoa's side except for cooking or taking a bath. Mugiwara said that all of you had to force Sanji to sleep or rest. And well, ever since we were kids, Sanji ignored everyone or everything he doesn't like. All his attention were on me, Niji, mom, animals, and cooking. That's how I knew that something is up between you Sanji and Roronoa. Besides you, Sanji care and love all your members in your crew, but I can tell that what your feelings for Roronoa is different than what you feel for your crew. Mugiwara didn't mentioned anything about love, but what he told me, gave me a hint. And I'm so happy for you Sanji. You already found your happiness. My dear baby brother." (the entire time, sanji was blushing and Zoro was smirking with a little tint of pink on his cheeks.)

  "What about us/ I'm not a baby anymore."

    "You three are not cute at all, but Sanji is. Isn't that right, Roronoa." Reiju said with a wink which made zoro smirked.

  "Of course. The cook, this curly blonde cook is the cutest especially when his mad. Like right now."

     *swish* *grab*

  "Calm down cook." Zoro said while grabbing Sanji's right hand that has a knife, he was looking at Sanji straight in the eye seriously.

    "And because of that. I fell in love with him, ever since we met at Baratei. He could fight me equally, his cheerfulness, kindness, even his motherly like attitude, his humor and everything. Everything about you cook is what I love. So..... If you Germa, wants to take him away from me. I'll cut you all to pieces." Zoro said seriously to Sanji and glared menacingly to Sanji's family which made everyone shivers in fear.

  "Oh.! I don't plan that. Even father wouldn't do that. In fact, Me and Niji came here to stop him from entering the war. We'll also be looking after him. And I just want to know if I was right about Sanji and you, and by how you two fell in love with each other,... And I'm not going to ask you Sanji. I can tell already." Reiju said which made Sanji look at her.

    "Wait.... Reiju.... You're wrong. He's the one. The Marimo was the first one who made a move. During our reunion at Sabaody after 2 years. I saw him emerge from the sea with a huge Gallon ship that he cut in half. When he saw me standing in front of him, he run towards me. I thought he's going to attack me, but instead he kissed me out of nowhere." Sanji said while blushing.

  Nami, Robin and Reiju were squelling, while the boys were laughing and teasing Zoro and Sanji, along with Sanji's brothers while his father was only looking at them smiling. All of them were happily eating when their long nosed snipper said something that made Zoro and Sanji chased him around the ship.

    "So it was like this. Two of the MONSTER TRIO. A Stray Seaweed Swordsman and a Perveeted Love Cook."

  And the chase began.

To be continued

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