Chapter 11: What......the.....

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(No one's POV)

  Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to a month. Sanji was so worried. Anxious since they couldn't contact any of his crewmates or Zoro. The allied forces and the Grand Fleet had already accomplished their missions and are now celebrating their victory over Orochi. Reiju and Niji told him that they (his friends) are all fine, but still not enough to calm Sanji from his anxiety.

  "Sanji, Reiju, Niji." The tree turned their heads to the person that called them.

    "What is it Dad.?"

  "Follow me."

  The three followed their Father as they all went inside the Sunny's Aquarium room. They saw a large monitor and some few small monitor with people monitoring the screens.

    "I developed some small video den-den moshi with devices and booster so it could fly and we can control it. I had already dispatched a lot to look for your crew, allies and your lover." Judge said that made the three gapped to their Father.

  "You did all of that." The three said in utter shock while their Father just nod as answer.

  After that emotional scene with Sanji and his Father. Their relationship did not change that much, but Sanji was talking or acknowledge his Father, Ichiji, and Yonji. Although he still haven't forgave them yet.

    " don't have to go this far." Sanji commented, still in utter shock.

  "You were worried for them and it's been a month already since they left."

    "And you, being so stressed. Anxiousness is bad for the baby."

  Sanji look at Ichiji, automatically placed a hand on his stomach.

    "Whatever..... Just continue your work and look for then. Shitty Brother." Sanji said as he walked in front of the monitor.

  Ichiji was trying his best not to snap at his brother, so he just glared at Sanji, making Reiju, Niji, and Yonji to laugh/snicker at him.

  "Stop laughing Yonji.. Do your work too, or else you won't have anything for dinner." Sanji said.

  Everyone laughed at Yonji, who's whining about not having his dinner.

    "Judge-sama. We have the location of the entire Strawhats."

  All of them look to where the man pointed and saw a very shocking situation that made the Vinsmoke's, especially Sanji to widen their eyes.

  "What the h*ll is this. Luffy... Nami-san... Robin-chan... Ussop... Franky... Chopper... Brook... Jimbei... Law... Kid... Hawkins... Drake..."

  The Strawhats, Kid, Law, and the two former headliners were all captured. Kaido' s crew are all outside their cell, standing. Even Queen and King, who was supposed to be Zoro's prey.

  Sanji look at all of the monitors everywhere and saw, at one of the screen, a huge body of a bloody and very lifeless Jack, lying on the ground. Sanji ignored it and continue to scan the screens looking for his lover.

  Reiju saw his brother, frowning while looking at all the monitors. Reiju told Niji, which the two took action and started searching as well, controlling all monitor. Sanji saw what they did, he thanked the two and joined the search.

  "Marimo...where are you..?"

    "Calm down Sanji, we will find him." They clicked and clicked the whole controller while looking at all the screens.

  "Wait.." Sanji stopped Reiju, which made her confused.

    "Can you zoom that one."

  Reiju nodded and zoom the image, Sanji had pointed. Once again, they all jawdropped in shock. Staring at the image with wide eyes.

  "What is she doing here.?"

    "Wano Kingdom is not her territory."

  "Oh f*ck! What the h*ll. Big Mom."

    "Looks like they're talking about something."

  "Wait. What's that.?"

    "Are those... bodies that are being dragged."

  "Can we hear them talk."

    "Yes. We can. Just turn on the speaker."

  They listened to what Big Mom and Kaido were talking about that made the entire Vinsmoke Family and the Germs, who' were controlling the other monitors, yelled in shock.


To be continued

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