Chapter one

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"JILLIAN ELOISE JACOBSON!" My mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Be down here in five minutes or you're gonna miss your first day."

A ray of sunlight shines on my face as my eyes open. I groan and look over at the clock which showed it was 7:28 in the morning. I had exactly thirty two minutes until I'd end up late for my first day of school. My first day of college to be exact.

A panic rushes over me as the realization of how late it was sets in. I jump out of bed and throw on an olive bralette, white rayon t-shirt and blue jeans. I quickly look in the mirror. My shirt was draping off one side of my shoulder and my hair- Oh God my hair!

I stare in horror as my unruly hair was sticking out in multiple different directions. I grab my comb and quickly throw it up into a high pony. I rush down the stairs nearly knocking my mom over.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I ask anxiously.

"Jill, I've been calling your name for the past thirty minutes." She says with no emotion.

I rush over to the kitchen sink and take a gulp of water from the faucet. I begin swishing it around in my mouth and then spit it out and grab a piece of mint gum.

"You really didn't have time to brush your teeth?" My mom complains.

I look over at the clock which showed 7:46.

"Less talking, more moving. Come on we have to go." I say, practically pushing her out of the house.

We get inside the black Honda Civic and drive off.

I know what you're thinking. What kind of eighteen year old doesn't have a driver's license? The simple answer to your question is the kind who has taken her test five times already and during each test successfully ran over four cones, two curbs and one snow cone stand.

Thankfully the man who was operating the stand had taken lunch and no one was injured but after that incident my parents thought it'd be best if they just continued to drive me everywhere. I didn't disagree.

I look out the window as my mom speeds passed the evergreen trees. We lived in Colorado, a rather large town in Colorado known as Meadowdale. It was a nice town if you enjoyed being surrounded by tons of forests and mountains.

I thankfully did. I tried to go hiking each Saturday with my dog, Apollo. A lot of people didn't understand the thrill of hiking throughout a quiet forest but it was more than that to me. Getting away from all the city sounds only to be surrounded by trees and deers and the sound of rivers flowing, it was a breath-taking experience.

"We're here." My mom says as she parks her car into the university parking lot.

To avoid paying for dorm living, I had decided to stay home. We were close enough to the school already so there was no point in paying an extra $5,000 just to room with a stranger.

She looks over at me and smiles. "I am so proud of you."

"Mom." I roll my eyes.

"I'm serious! You have worked your butt off these past few years and now you're finally starting college." Tears start filling her eyes.

"Mom please don't." I sigh, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"Oh you're right." She grabs a tissue from the console and pats her cheek. "Have an amazing first day sweetie."

My family was your run of the mill, American family. Totally normal. We lived in a two-story house with a white picket fence. My dad was a dental surgeon and my mom was a real estate agent. I was an only child and we owned one golden retriever. We knew our neighbors and ate organic fruits and vegetables. Everything about us blended in with everyone else in this town. Nothing good or bad stood out.

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