Chapter nineteen

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I storm into the house.

"I can't believe you two!" I shout towards Carson and Kai.

"Don't take it personally. We have or-"

"Orders, I know!" I shout louder.

Kai smirks and points towards my chest. I look down to see a button I had missed when I was buttoning my shirt back up.

"Shut up!" I snap while I storm up the stairs.

"When can I have my room back?" Kai shouts.

"Never!" I say, slamming the door back.

I throw myself onto the bed in frustration. I start thinking back to my encounter with Roman in the woods. I could still feel his touch on my skin.

God I wanted to feel him again.

I huff and throw the covers over me, eventually falling asleep.


"Morning sleeping beauty." Kai smirks as I head downstairs.

I had slept in later than normal. Everyone was already eating breakfast.

"I thought everyone was suppose to eat together." I say, sitting down and grabbing a waffle.

Roman shrugs. "You seemed like you had a frustrating night. I figured I'd let you sleep in."

I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to repress saying what I wanted to say which was basically "fuck you and fuck me".

Carson clears his throat. "So what's on the agenda for today?"

Roman keeps his eyes on me. "Jillian is mine today." He says in a low voice.

I advert my stare away from him and down at my food.

Roman gets up and walks towards the front door. He turns to me. "Eat your breakfast and meet me outside in ten minutes." He walks out the door.

"Just give in." Kai laughs once Roman's gone.

"What- no." I say, caught off guard by his forwardness. "This isn't any of your business."

Kai raises his eyebrow. "Dude, we've got to tell her."

Carson shakes his head. "Just save her the embarrassment."

I look between the two. "Tell me what?" I say slowly.

Kai looks at Carson and Carson shrugs. Kai looks back at me. "It's kind of hard to stay out of your business when you are moaning "Roman" in your sleep all night."

I look at him confused. "You're such a liar."

He smirks and I look at Carson who nods his head silently.

My eyes widen in horror.

"It's okay Jillian, everyone Roman finds interest in falls for him eventually." Carson responds.

This didn't make me feel better. I look between the two again. "When you say "everyone", how many people are we talking about?"

They both look at me. It was a look that showed they were trying to spare my feelings.

I smile. "Come on guys, it's no big deal. I'm just curious."

Carson continues eating his food but Kai finally speaks. "If you're referring to how many girls and not how many times," He pauses. "I'd say maybe one hundred."

I choke on my waffle.

"No more than one-fifty." Kai speaks quickly as Carson shakes his head.

"You've got to be joking." I breath heavily.

"I don't know Jill. We don't exactly count how many girls Roman brings home."

"Or how many girls at one time." Carson adds.

"He's nineteen years old!" I say shocked.

"Well he's actually twenty one. He was held back twice in middle school." Kai says.

"After his mom died he had a rough time." Carson says.

"Actually now that I think about it, it may be a hundred and fifty five girls." Kai continues, completely oblivious to my clear concern.

One hundred and fifty fucking girls. Multiple girls at once. More than just a threesome? I genuinely thought I was going to be sick. I guess it made sense as to why he knew exactly what he was doing sexually.

"I'm gonna go start training." I say while quietly getting up from the table.

They nod as I walk out of the house.


Roman had been teaching me self defense moves for an hour but I couldn't think about anything other than the hundreds of girls he'd slept with.

"Jillian!" Roman shouts, snapping me out of my trance. "Are you even listening?"

"Yes, what?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes. "Why are you so difficult?"

That's when a thought pops into my head. I look up at him. "Why haven't you let me go?" I ask.

He smirks. "You already know why."

I shake my head. "No. I don't think I do. I ran into the woods to try and save you from death. My best friend basically hates me because I'm lying to her. I haven't taken my dog on our Saturday walks in over a month. It's obvious you can trust me with your secret."

He eyes me before speaking again. "Maybe I don't want to let you go." He walks closer to me. "Maybe I'm not finished with you."

"What? So you can add me to your list of one hundred and fifty girls? So I can be one fifty one?" I question.

He snorts and burst out laughing which causes my cheeks to burn red. "You asked the guys about my sexual history?"

Way to fucking go Jillian. Another reason for him to get even more arrogant.

"Why does it matter so much to you?" He asks.

"Maybe I don't want to fuck someone everyone's had." I say, trying to recover from my slip up.

He walks in even closer to me, stopping inches from my face. He leans his lips to my ear. "Maybe I won't let you go then." He whispers.

My heart starts to pace and my cheeks redden even more. He was so smooth with his words and I guess it made sense. He's had plenty of practice.

"Beg for me." He whispers. "Tell me how much you need me. How bad you want to feel me inside of you."

I fidget a little, trying to suppress the need to do as I'm told. That's when a thought hits me. I lean towards his ear and whisper. "You first." I then open my mouth and teasingly lick the bottom of his ear lobe. Before he can respond, I begin to walk away.

"Where are you going? We're not done training." He says, frustrated.

"We are today." I respond before entering the house and closing the door.

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