Chapter seventeen

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"Again!" Roman says firmly into my ear.

"This is pointless. You have years of experience. There's no way I'm going to outrun you or outsmart you or take your weapon away. I don't want to do this anymore." I complain.

This had been probably the 30th time Roman had snuck up and placed his gun against my head. Sometimes I had even been so distracted looking behind me that he appeared in front of me and placed the gun on my forehead.

He shrugs his shoulders, points the gun at my forehead and clicks the hammer down.

My heart starts to race. "Wh- what are you doing?" I ask, slightly panicked.

He leans in towards me. "If you don't learn how to defend yourself, you're already dead." His eyes turned a few shades darker than their normal forest green.

He releases the hammer back and slowly drags the gun down to my throat. The barrel was now facing upward.

"Roman please stop. You're scaring me." I say slowly as my heart raced even faster.

He removes his eyes from mine and looks down at my chest as he drags the gun down my shirt and stops right before my breasts.

"It's your choice." He whispers before walking away.

I couldn't think of the right word for how Roman made me feel but it was a mix of totally horrified yet slightly turned on which had become such a confusing emotion for me. I really wasn't trying to give in to his little game which is exactly what it seemed to be to him. A little game.

I huff, annoyed and walk out of the forest and back into the lake house.

I open the door and to my surprise I couldn't hear the sounds of the other guys.

"Hello?" I call out as I close the door behind me.

Strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me back.

I shriek.

"And just like that, you're gone. Never to be seen again." Kai whispers.

I push his arms off of me and turn towards him, frustrated. "Seriously? Not you to."

He puts his hands up defensively. "I've got orders."

I roll my eyes. "Well break them. I don't want to play this stupid game."

He looks at me with serious eyes. "Jill, it's not a game. Taking this training seriously could end up saving your life."

"But I'm not in danger anymore. The only danger is Roman who's putting me in danger of flunking out of college. Shouldn't you be concerned about your grades as well?"

Kai smirks. "College is so not necessary anymore in this day and age and either way, I'm not too concerned about getting kicked out."

"What are you going to do? Threaten them if they do?"

He stays quiet.

"Well good for you but some of us are trying to live normal, civilized lives where killing people who do you wrong isn't exactly an option."

"It could be." He smirks.

I shutter at the thought of ever having their mindset. Although I had already admitted to myself that they're not completely evil people, it didn't change the fact that they were still killers. Wether that kill was justified or not. I'd never be able to agree with their lifestyle.

I begin to head upstairs when Kai calls out.

"Umm, so just out of curiosity," He pauses and begins scratching the back of his head. He had actually seemed nervous. It was weird. "Does Heather ever talk about me?"

I almost choke on my own spit. Did Heather ever talk about Kai? I mean yes but never in a good way.

"You like Heather?" I ask surprised. I mean Kai likes every girl but he never seemed nervous over one.

He smiles. "I mean yeah. She's Heather."

"She's Heather" was a very valid response.

I think for a moment, trying to find the right words. "Umm, yeah. She talks about you here and there."

His smirk widens.

"Oh shit! Heather!" I run up the stairs and grab my phone from the bed.

I dial her number and after one ring she picks up.

"Jillian what the hell is going on with you?" She asks.

"I'm so so sorry-"

"You haven't been at school, you've been ignoring my text, my calls-" She pauses. "Is this about Roman?"


"I know I said I was all for you two hooking up but if he's pressuring you into things-"

"No. It's not that. I'm fine, really."

"Fine? I wouldn't say ditching all of your classes and ignoring your best friend is fine."

I knew she had every right to be angry because she was right. This was so unlike me.

"Heather, I'm really sorry okay?" I pause, thinking hard about the next thing to say. For a moment, I considered telling her everything. She was my best friend. It's not like she'd tell anyone what I told her. I could trust her, right?

"Heather-" My voice lingers off as I look outside the room and into the hall to see if Roman or any of the guys were near. "If I told you something, you'd have to swear not to tell anyone. Not a single soul."

She stays quiet for a few moments. "Jill, what's going on?"

I take a deep breath. If I told Heather, would Roman still kill me? Kill my family? It felt like we've moved past that point but his warning still echoed in the back of my mind.

"Jillian Eloise?" Heather speaks again.

"Never mind. It's nothing." I finally say.

"What do you mean it's nothing? Just a few seconds ago you were making me swear not to say anything and now it's nothing?" I could hear the hurt in her voice.

"I'm sorry-"

"Me too!" She interrupts. "When you figure out if you can trust me or not, let me know." She hangs up the phone.

Anger rages through me. I was on the line of losing my best friend all because Roman had me keeping secrets. My life was literally falling apart because I had to hide the fact that I know about a Mafia gang that is after another Mafia gang. This was ridiculous. This wasn't my war so why was I in the middle of it?

I grab my phone again and start to dial 911.

"What are you doing?" Roman asks as he stands in the hallway, looking at me through the open door.

I quickly turn my phone over. "N- nothing." I say hesitantly.

Roman slowly walks over to me and sits down on the bed next to me. He places his hand on top of mine and looks softly into my eyes. I could hear my heart beating.

"Need I remind you of my rules." He whispers.

He looks down at my phone and turns it over. The screen turns on and the numbers 911 appear.

He looks up at me and smirks. "You don't want to do that."

I pull my phone away from him. "I- I was just-"

"Why would you risk putting yourself in danger?" He asks.

A part of me thought he was bluffing. After all of this, there's no way he'd still kill me or anyone important to me. What's the point in working so hard to keep me alive if he still had intentions on killing me? Another part of me couldn't stop thinking he might. I mean this is Roman we're talking about. He's killed tons of people with no remorse in the morning. The possibility of him killing me was out there. Although I'd like to believe he has some kind of pure emotions for me, I knew that just wasn't true.

"It won't happen again." I say.

He smiles. "I know it won't. There won't be another warning."

And just like that, he leaves the room.

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