Chapter thirty-two

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"Roman and I are not together."

Heather and I had just gotten settled into our very spacious suite and we were currently sitting on the couch together.

After Roman decided to openly flirt with the receptionist, I had no choice but to say something to Heather who had witnessed the entire thing.

"What do you mean you're not together?" She asks while furrowing her brows.

I take a deep breath. "It's really complicated. I don't even know how to explain it but we aren't in a relationship hence why he was flirting with the receptionist downstairs and probably fucking her right now." I mumble the last part but Heather was too confused to notice.

"Wait so you two didn't sleep together?" She asks.

"We did." I say slowly.

She stares silently.

"It's complicated." I speak.

"So you're okay living with Roman and sleeping with Roman all while Roman flirts with other girls? You're okay being a booty call?" She asks.

I roll my eyes.

"I just can't believe this. I thought you were changing Roman. I mean, you two have to be more than fuck buddies. You've met his father. He paid for our suite! YOU'RE LIVING WITH HIM!"

I could tell she was having trouble processing all of this.

"This doesn't make any sense. So you're telling me you don't want to be Roman's girlfriend?" She asks.

Did I want to be the girlfriend to one of the most arrogant dicks on the planet? That was an easy no.

I shake my head.

"Mmhm right. You're telling me after spending months with Roman, after losing your virginity to him, you don't have feelings for him?"

Her eyes were piercing into my soul.

"Roman is an ass!" I claim loudly.

"Very true but that doesn't answer my question." Heather responds.

My advert my eyes from her penetrating stare and look down at the marble flooring.

"My poor girl." Heather says with pity in her tone. "I'm so sorry."

"Heather I really don't want to talk about this right now." I say, keeping my eyes on the floor.

She takes a deep breath. "Listen, clearly something is going on between you two. Roman's never been the type of guy to keep a girl around for this long. It's totally out of his character and makes me think there's more to his intentions than what he's showing. Either way, if he can't see how totally amazing you are, that's his loss. It will never be yours."

I look up at her and smile. Of course Heather would never know Roman's true initial intentions which got me here in the first place but she was still right. Roman was hiding something. He had to of felt more than he was giving off.

"You should tell him though." She speaks, snapping me out of my trance.

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"How you feel. You should tell him and at least you'll know where you two stand."

I open my mouth, almost completely rejecting Heather's suggestion but quickly stop. She was right. It's been months and although I wasn't completely sure what Roman and I had and although I didn't want to admit my feelings to myself, I knew I had to do it. I had to tell Roman how I felt.

I wasn't exactly sure how I felt. To be fair, one moment I'm running towards death to save Roman's life and the next moment I'm packing my things and trying to rid him of my life forever. My feelings were complicated to put it lightly but I figured if I could just get the courage to go up to him and open my mouth, something would come out. Maybe then I'd know for sure how I felt.

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