Chapter thirty-three

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"You're going to what?" Roman asks loudly.

"You've gotten somebody pregnant?" I ask concerned. "Somebody from campus?"

Kai sighs. "Natalie or Haley or God why can't I remember her name?" He pauses. "ABBY!" He shouts.

We stare at him silently.

"Yeah, she said she's a few days late. She's on her way to take a test now."

Roman rolls his eyes and walks towards the kitchenette.

"Are you kidding me Kai?" I say annoyed.

"What?" He shouts, looking between the both of us.

"You couldn't of just led with that instead of implying you already got somebody pregnant?" Roman asks.

Kai's eyebrows furrow and let's off an angered expression. "She's late!"

I laugh. "Kai, girls can be a few days late for all sorts of reasons. As long as you were using protection I think you're probably in the clear on this one."

"You guys are being way too cool about this. I'm freaking out."

"Well I guess congratulations are in order." Roman smirks.

I shake my head and reach out for Kai's hand. "I'm sure everything is going to be okay."

He shakes his head just as his phone rings. His eyes widen and he answers it.

"One line? Well what does that mean? Wait, you're sure?" A smile spreads across his face. "Thank God!" He shouts while giving us a thumbs up. "You too Jenna. Bye." He hangs up the phone and his smile widens. "False alarm guys."

"I thought her name was Abby?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Could be either." He pumps his fist in the air and heads towards the door. "Now I can finally rest and enjoy our vacation." He smiles one last time and closes the door behind him.

"I don't think I'll ever fully understand what goes on in Kai's mind." I say aloud, still processing our interaction.

Roman shrugs. "You learn to just live with it."

I nod as Roman takes a seat next to me on the couch. "He really should be more careful though."

"Coming from the guy with a body count higher than Einstein's IQ, I'd say you should be more careful." I tease.

Roman rolls his eyes. "I'd never do anything that reckless."

"If you say so." I say slowly.

Roman stays quiet. He clinches down on his jaw and begins tapping his toes quickly onto the floor.

I could tell he was uncomfortable so I begin to speak. "Are you not planning on building a small militia Army with Victoria? Her anger issues plus your physical strengths, your kids would be unstoppable."

Sometimes I don't know why certain things come out of my mouth.

Roman looks at me unamused.

"Sorry." I mumble. "No but seriously, you don't want kids someday?" I ask genuinely.

He looks at me, trying to figure out if I was being serious or not.

"You're kidding right?"

"Why would I be?" I ask.

"Why would I ever want to intentionally bring another person into this fucked up world?" He asks.

I look at him and for the first time I realize something. Roman only sees the bad. He only ever notices the tragedy and hatred in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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