Chapter thirty

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"I can't believe it's finally December. I am so ready for Christmas break." Heather says as we walk around the campus.

I laugh. "We still have like three more weeks before schools out."

She pouts. "I know. I don't know how I'm going to survive."

"Coming from the girl who loves school and loves socializing, I'm surprised you're saying this."

Heather stops and puts both hands on my shoulders while looking directly into my eyes. "College is killing me." She says with a blank stare.

"Don't be so-"

"Don't say dramatic. I get it. I am dramatic but why did no one prepare us for how mentally draining college is not to mention I feel like I've been going to the exact same parties with the exact same people doing the exact same thing every weekend. I need a change of scenery." She pauses. "Maybe I'll go to Miami this year. I'm not too fond of the snow."

I look around us. Three days ago it had started to snow and it hadn't stopped since. The entire campus was evenly coated with a large blanket of white snow.

Heather stops walking and turns toward me again, gasping. Her nose a bright red color. "Let's totally go to Miami. My cousin, the one that works for Delta, she can totally get us a discount on our travel expenses. I know you have money in your savings and besides, we never leave here. Let's just be adventurous for once."

I stop and stare at Heather, concerned. I place my hand at the top of her forehead.

"What are you doing?" She asks confused.

"You don't feel like you have a fever but there's got to be some reason as to why you're talking completely crazy."

She slaps my hand off her forehead. "Why is that crazy?"

"Umm let me think. You want to plan a trip, flying across the country and you want to do it all in three weeks? That doesn't sound a little crazy to you?"

She shakes her head. "The only thing that would make it crazy is if we didn't do it."

I laugh. "There's no way I can swing that Heather."

She pouts again. "Oh come on. Don't you need a change of scenery? Aren't you tired of staying in the same old routine?"

My routine was far from boring. Three days ago I hadn't been able to sleep because Kai dragged a man into the house and started doing God knows what to him.

I had started to stay out of the way when the guys found some of Dante's men and tortured them for answers. I probably should have done that in the first place and who knows? We probably would've never encountered paths again.

It didn't matter though, none of it did. Not a single one of Dante's men would give up his location no matter how much pain the guys inflicted on them. I could tell it was starting to take a big effect on Roman.

"I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice it's just-"

"Please Jill. I really, really need this and I don't want to go alone." Heather looks at me with exhausted eyes.

I sigh. "Only if your cousin can somehow swing us a major discount on plane tickets and you better find the most inexpensive hotel or motel or-"

"Deal!" She squeals, jumping up and down. "You have no idea how much fun we're going to have."

The really fun part was going to be how I'd convince Roman to let me leave the state for eight days.

"So last week was really weird. I had no idea Roman's dad was so-"

"Intense?" I finish.

"That's one word for it." Heather says as we continue walking. "I take it he doesn't like you."

"I think there's a bigger problem surrounding that. He's very hard on Roman. He wants him to follow the same path he took and I don't think Roman truly wants to."

"His dad wants him to be an accountant as well?" Heather asks.

I pause for a few seconds. "Yes."

"Well Roman should do whatever makes him happy."

I couldn't have agreed more but I knew in my heart that the only thing Roman truly wanted was to find Dante and kill him. He'd stop at nothing.


"Hey guys." I say as I enter the house.

Kai and Carson were currently playing a video game on the tv.

"Do you guys ever attend your classes?" I ask.

"I do most of mine online and Kai over here sleeps with his female professors."

I make a face just as Kai speaks. "It's totally consensual, no worries."

An unwanted image of Kai and Mrs. Darlene pops into my head. I shutter, trying to shake the thought.

"I have to talk to Roman, do either of you know where he is?"

"Right here." Roman says from behind me causing me to jump at his presence.

I turn to face him and try to give him one of my sweetest smiles.

"What do you want?" He asks sternly.

I drop the fake smile and sigh. "Heather and I are going to Miami for winter break."

I decided to take the approach as telling instead of asking so he knew I was serious about going.

"No." He says and walks to sit down on the couch next to the guys.

I scrunch my nose in frustration and turn around to face him again. "I'm not sure if you heard me but I wasn't asking."

Carson and Kai pause the game and turn around to face me. Roman laughs at my remark. "I like your spirit but the answer is still no."

"You know, it's become pretty clear that you won't hurt me or my family and you don't own me so I am going. You're not going to stop me." I say. My voice was shaking a little but I still meant every word. I knew Roman would never hurt me but he still had major anger issues and that was something that scared me.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Fine."

My mouth drops a little and I try to hide my surprise. "Okay then." I say smiling. I nod and start heading to the stairs.

"Carson, Kai, start packing your things. We're going to Miami." Roman says.

"Yes!" Kai shouts.

I turn around on my heel. "No no no. That's not what I meant. This is a girls trip. You guys can't come."

Roman gets up from the couch and walks towards me until he's leaning down, inches from my face. "Who's going to stop me?" He smirks and walks off.

Heather was going to kill me.

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