Chapter twenty

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We stayed at the lake house for two weeks. I had spent every day training for something I'd hoped I'd never need to experience. Two weeks I hadn't been at school or talked to Heather or my parents.

I wasn't totally sure my parents had even known I had left. Heather would never express her concern to them no matter how upset she was with me. Still, it wasn't like me to not visit on the weekends but they hadn't called so I figured they were busy with their own lives.

The boys were loading the two cars up with our things.

Roman kept complaining about how poorly training went and how if Dante did ever find out about me, I stood no chance. It wasn't exactly encouraging.

"Everything's packed. We have a long drive ahead of us. Are we ready?" Kai asks.

Roman looks at me before nodding. Kai and Carson hop inside the jeep and Roman and I get in the Lamborghini. We all pull off.

"I'd prefer not to ride in silence this time if you don't mind." I say before turning the radio on.

Roman immediately turns the radio off. "I don't listen to the radio." He says, keeping his view on the road.

I huff.

He looks over at me for a moment. "If you'd like to talk, be my guest."

I turn towards him. "I'm going to fail this semester because of you."

He snorts. "That's your biggest concern? What about the fact that we spent days trying to teach you how to keep yourself alive and you seemed to have not learned a thing?"

I roll my eyes. "Did you forget I took a gun from you?"

"One time and you got distracted."

"Because I thought you were bleeding out in the woods somewhere." I defend, irritated.

"So the only way you'll ever be able to defend yourself is if my life's in danger?"

"Oh absolutely not. Next time, I'm gonna leave you out in the woods to die." I say and he smirks.

We stay quiet for a while. I wondered how Heather was doing. If she'd ever be able to forgive me even though I couldn't explain anything to her. I wondered if Apollo hated me. I hoped my parents had taken him hiking.

I watched as Kai and Carson laugh about something ahead of us. I wondered if they'd still be this close if they hadn't ever met over this situation. They were so different.

Then I thought about Roman. I wondered how different he'd be had his dad not been involved in everything he was involved in. Would he be a better person?

"I'm not calling you Jillian anymore." Roman speaks.

I turn towards him. "Umm, that's my name so-"

"I want to call you something that no one else does. Something more personal." He interrupts.

"Why?" I ask slowly.

He shrugs. "Because I can."

I roll my eyes. Leave it to Roman to completely change my name just "because he can".

"You know you don't own me right?"

He looks over at me and smiles. "Do I not?"

Sometimes I swear he had to be the most arrogant person on earth.

"JJ." He says.

"Huh?" I look at him confused.

"Jillian Jacobson. JJ."

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