Chapter twenty three

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I slowly opened his door as I listen to the shower running next to his room.

His room was surprisingly clean. I kind of expected it to be a mess but no, every single item had a spot and his bed was neatly made. It seemed more like a stock photo vs an actual room. There was nothing in here unique to him. No family photos, no yearbooks, no awards, just clothes, shoes and a bed.

He had a desk on the left side of his room.

I walked over to it. There were three drawers. The first one had some papers and pens. They were neatly stacked inside the drawer.

I hadn't really taken Roman as the writer type.

The second drawer, to no surprise at all, had a gun and extra bullets.

Roman probably had guns in every room of this house. It must be exhausting always thinking someone's after you. Always looking behind your back.

The third drawer was locked which only sparked my curiosity even more.

I quickly looked around the room for a key but I couldn't find anything.

A locked drawer in Roman's room... Of course he's not going to leave the key in here.

I go back to the desk and open the first drawer grabbing a pen. I then take a bobby pin out of my hair and unfold it open.

I listen to make sure the shower was still running and shove the bobby pin and pen inside the hole.

Had I ever tried unlocking anything with a bobby pin? No. The movies had made it look easy though. It wasn't.

After shoving the two things around for three minutes with no luck, I huff in frustration.

I look at the hole one more time, take a deep breath and gently move the hairpin around. After a few seconds I hear a click and the drawer unlocks.

Harriet the Spy who?

I slowly open the drawer. There was a brown paper journal inside and a photo. A photo of two kids. The boy looked to be ten. He was sitting on a swing next to a little girl who looked about six. They looked happy.

I put the photo down and open up the journal. Most of the pages were almost like scoreboards. They had names and dates and once I saw Sebastian Tucker I concluded they were the names of people Roman had killed. It was horrifying how long the list went on and how far back the dates went. The first date had went so far back, he couldn't have been older than fifteen. Who makes a fifteen year old do something like that? Roman's father bringing him into all of this at that age, Roman never had a chance.

Somewhere in the middle of the journal there was a passage all about Dante and what he did to Roman's mother. I felt like throwing up as Roman wrote her death in great detail. I couldn't even imagine the pain his mother went through that night. He left her alive for seven hours, beating, torturing, sexually abusing her. It all made sense as to why Roman was so hateful towards Dante and anyone who worked for him.

I look back at the photo of the little kids. That's when I remember the night at the lake house. Before Roman had murdered that man in the basement, he mentioned Dante killing Roman's mom and sister.

I look at the smiling little blonde-headed girl.

"You must be Sarah."

The photo had to have been Roman and Sarah as kids. I wasn't sure how I hadn't seen it at first but this brown haired, green eyed little boy was definitely Roman. God he looked so happy. So innocent.

Instantly I start feeling regret. Roman wasn't some arrogant, evil guy. He was a victim himself. Losing his mother and sister and his father bringing him into all of this at such a young age. He was the victim.

Her Involvement With The Mafia Leader's SonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora