Chapter three

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The school week flew by and before I knew it, it was Friday. Friday's I didn't have any classes which meant I was spending some much needed time working on Roman and mines paper.

I was currently at the kitchen table with my laptop. Apollo was laying directly under my feet. He kept giving me sad eyes, almost like he knew this was my last weekend in the house.

"Come on boy. I won't be far. We can still take our Saturday hikes."

The word "hike" causes his ears to shoot straight up.

"Tomorrow." I giggle. "Right now I've got to work on this paper." I sigh.

"Jillian, you don't expect him to talk back to you do you?" My mother asks while walking into the kitchen.

I roll my eyes. "So mom, I kinda have a question." I start.

She raises her eyebrow. "You kinda have a question or you do have a question?"

"I have a question." I rephrase. "I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I start staying with Heather in the dorms."

My mother stays quiet but continues to stare me down.

"She doesn't have a roommate so I thought we could just have a sleepover."

"An illegal sleepover that doesn't end?" My mom questions.

"It's only illegal if you get caught." I joke. She doesn't find it funny. "It's really not a big deal. You and dad will only be a half hour away and if any problems arise, I'll come back home. Plus I'll be here most weekends and it'll save you so much time and money and-"

My mom interrupts me. "Jillian, you're an adult now. If it wasn't breaking any rules I'd think it was a great idea but either way, it's your decision to make."

That was another thing about my parents. They were both super laid back. Most times I'd get nervous asking if I could hang out with a boy or stay out past curfew but my entire life they never really had a problem with things like that.

I smile at her. "Thank you." I say softly.

She rolls her eyes and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge. "You're so silly."

I refocus my attention on the computer screen. I had been sitting here for an hour and only had one paragraph down. I had always done well in my classes during high school but english wasn't my forte and I had no idea where to even go with this.

"Honey?" My father calls out as he walks through the front door.

"Yes dear?" My mother replies.

"There's a yellow Lamborghini parked in my driveway."

My eyes widen.

My father walks into the kitchen and stares at me. "There's also an eccentric looking young man asking for Jill."

My mother glances over at me.

"I- um, I'll be right back."

I quickly exit the house, hoping my parents wouldn't follow me out to meet Roman.

He was leaned up against his car staring me down. This also happened to be the first time I ever noticed him looking at me. As I walked towards him, his eyes looked me up and down which caused a nervous feeling to wash over my body.

"Um, can I help you?" I ask.

"I mean yeah, we're partners aren't we?" He says in an irritated tone.

He actually wanted to work together on this paper?

"It's okay. I already started it."

He walks up to me. He hadn't looked so tall from the distance I originally was but now he was towering over me. I felt like a child who was about to be yelled at by an adult.

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