Chapter twenty two

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My classes had gone horribly. The teachers wouldn't stop complaining about how much work I'd missed and all of the students kept staring at me throughout campus. It was weird.

Heather and I decided to meet for lunch before I had to get back to the house.

I pick at my salad. I wasn't even sure why I had ordered a salad.

I look up to see a girl staring at me from across the lot, whispering into another girls ear. Frustrated, I slam my fork down and stare back until they walk off.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask softly.

Heather looks up at me and then looks around. "What do you mean?"

"All day I've caught people staring at me and whispering or laughing." I look over at her. "Oh God is something in my nose?"

She snorts. "What? No. Everybody just found out that you live in the fraternity with the guys."

"Why does that matter?" I ask.

She raises her eyebrow at me as if I was clueless. "Umm, nobody is ever allowed to stay in the fraternity with the guys and all of the sudden, you are."

I look back down at my salad and start picking at it again, being extra thorough and making sure to remove all the cranberries. "Trust me, it's not as great as it seems."

"That may be true but it doesn't change the fact that you're living with three of the hottest guys on campus. People are gonna be jealous."

"Three of the hottest? I knew you had a soft spot for me." Kai smirks as he walks towards us and takes a seat.

Heather rolls her eyes. "You can be as hot as you want, it won't change your awful personality."

I look over at Kai who for a moment, looked totally hurt but almost immediately goes back to smirking. "I'm more devastated over the fact that you won't let me take you out."

Heather reaches across the table and places her hand on his cheek. She slowly traces his cheek bone with her thumb. "It's never going to happen." She whispers while removing her hand.

He looks between me and her, still smirking. "We'll see about that."

He gives me a final nod before walking away from the table.

Heather scoffs as he walks away.

I look up at her trying to suppress my laughter.

"What?" She asks, concerned.

"You have to know he's totally crushing on you."

She rolls her eyes. "He just wants to get into my pants. It's more fun teasing him over the fact that he never will."

I shrug. "Who knows, there may be more to his affection for you."

At least Kai had the emotions to possibly have a successful relationship. Sure, he was an ass sometimes, but he did seem to have feelings which is one more thing he'd be capable of that Roman never was.

Although, getting my best friend involved in a mafia group while I was trying to get myself uninvolved, didn't seem like the best plan.

"Yeah, it's probably for the best." I say after awhile.

We finish eating and say our goodbyes before I head back home.


"Hey Jillian" Carson says from the couch as I enter the house.

He turns to face me. "I just want to warn you, Roman and Victoria are-" He pauses. "They're upstairs."

I purse my lips together. "Oh. Who's Victoria?" I ask, trying to repress my very frustrated attitude.

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