Chapter six

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The car was completely silent. I look out the window, watching all the trees go by. I think about how just a few days ago I was taking this same route to school, looking out the window into the woods. Free. Now everything was so different and I wasn't sure I would ever be able to change that. At least not if I was alive.

"How long are you planning on keeping me?" The question had been in my mind all night.

Roman clenches onto the wheel. I had come to the realization he really didn't like making conversation with me.

"I don't know." He says.

"Will you ever let me go? Alive I mean."

He briefly looks over at me and then back towards the road. "I don't think you understand, I don't want to kill you. I just wish you had listened to me when I told you not to enter that room."

"Me too." I mumble.

"In time, I'll soon figure out if I can trust you or not. If I can, you'll be free to go."

A small sliver of hope washes over me.

"Don't expect that to be anytime soon though. I don't trust anyone."

And just like that, my hope disappeared.

I didn't bother asking anymore questions for the rest of the drive and within fifteen minutes we were parked outside of my parents home. The same place I once could call home.

"Could you, could you stay in the car?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Not gonna happen."

I sigh. "My father is already oddly curious about you and I-"

"Let's go!" He snaps before getting out of the car and approaching the front door.

I quickly follow him and open up the door.

"Mom, dad, I'm here." I shout from the entryway.

My mom approaches from a corner, carrying a laundry basket. "Hi swee-" She pauses when she notices Roman standing beside me.

She raises her eyebrows slightly and looks at me questioningly.

I shrug, unsure what the correct explanation could possibly be.

"Hello." My mother says, extending a hand towards Roman.

He graciously shakes it. "Hello Mrs. Jacobson."

My dad approaches from the kitchen. "Hi Jilly.." His words linger off as he stares Roman down.

"Kid with the car." He starts. "What are you doing here?" His words came off aggressive and I prayed my father wouldn't say or do anything to piss Roman off.

"We're partners!" I speak quickly. "We're working on an assignment together and he kindly offered to give me a ride so I could get my things."

My parents both look at me slightly unsure but nod. Then before I could take a step towards the stairs, Apollo comes running down. He spots me and then Roman and immediately starts growling.

"Apollo!" My mother says. "I'm sorry, he's usually very friendly." She looks over at Roman.

Apollo runs towards us and starts barking loudly at Roman. He growls once more and then looks at me and whimpers. He places his head under my hand and starts to nudge me. It was as if he'd known I was in trouble.

"It's okay boy. I know we usually hike today but I promise I'll take you next Saturday." I look over at Roman to see if that'd be a problem but he doesn't glance at me.

"Well, i'm gonna go grab my things." I say, looking at my parents.

I head up the stairs and Roman follows me close behind. I had such a bad feeling about him being inside my house. Learning every point of entry and-

I shake the bad thoughts from my mind as we enter my room.

Roman looks around. Examining knick knacks and reading random papers.

I ignore his curiosity, grab a suitcase and start packing clothes from my closet. I didn't know when I'd be back so I packed as much would fit. Roman opens up one of my dresser drawers and pulls out a black lace lingerie.

"What kind of virgin needs this?"

I turn to see him holding it up to himself and my face immediately reddens as I snatch it from him.

"How do you know I'm a virgin?" I question.

He smirks. "Haven't we already discussed I know everything about you?"

A reasonable explanation never came up but yes, I guess we did.

"I was saving it for someone. Not that it's any of your business."

"Luke Bomont?" He questions.

I freeze. I wasn't sure how he'd possibly known about my summer fling from last year.

"I'll take your silence as a yes."

"You know you're really starting to creep me out with all this impossible to know information you have on me. Have you been following me?"

He ignores my remark and speaks again. "What happened?"

"Oh you don't already know?" I ask sarcastically. I instantly regret my remark as he stares me down with a straight face.

"He cheated so I never- It really doesn't matter."

I wasn't really in the mood to go over my entire life with someone as horrible as Roman. I quickly continue packing up the last remaining necessities and head down the stairs.

"Okay well I'm leaving now." I say, looking over at my parents.

"Have fun." My mom says.

"Be safe." My dad says while staring Roman down.

I could feel sadness start to emerge from me. I dropped my suitcase and ran up to my mom, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Sweetie, we're only thirty minutes away." She laughs.

I sniffle into her shoulder. "I know. I'm just gonna miss you." I pull away and take in my mother's appearance. She was smiling which caused creases around her eyes. I wanted to remember her like this just incase. Happy.

I walk next to her and pull my dad into a hug.

"If you have any problems, don't be afraid to call sweetheart." He whispers into my ear.

I pull away from the hug and nod.

If only it had been that easy.

"We gotta go Jillian." Roman speaks firmly.

I give my parents one last smile before leaving the house and all I could do was pray that that wouldn't be the last time.

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