Chapter two

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All of my classes had ended up being so spread out that I had already spent an hour walking around campus, waiting for my next class to start. This was the downside to not living on campus.

I was currently heading to my 10:45 English class.

I look up at the closed door in front of me. I had trouble finding the classroom originally which is how I got here five minutes late. I take a deep breath and open the door.

An older woman, probably mid 40s, with thick black glasses, looks up at me.

"Sorry." I mouth.

"Ms. Jacobson I presume?" She speaks with a thick accent.

I nod.

"Let's try to arrive on time for the rest of the school year."

"It won't happen again." I shift uncomfortably at the front of the class. This is what I meant when I said I didn't want to be the center of attention.

"So as I was saying, this year I'm going to start the class off with a group project. This project will count for forty percent of your grade." She looks over at me. "I had just finished letting the class pick their partners but unfortunately, tardy students are never rewarded in life."

Was she serious right now? Group projects in college. "Tardy students are never rewarded".

This was starting to feel a lot like high school.

She looks down at her class roster. "I'm going to pair you with-"

I look up towards the back of the class for the first time and that's when I notice Roman sitting in the back.

Oh God. Please no.

"Roman Brooks." She speaks, still looking at her roster.

Roman doesn't even seem phased. In fact, he hadn't even bothered looking up.

"You can go take a seat in the back next to Mr Brooks."

I nod and proceed to the back of the class.

I take a seat next to him, keeping my eyes up front.

I could hardly keep concentrated for the rest of class. There was an uneasy feeling I'd experience when near Roman. I would never admit it out loud but he was extremely intimidating.

The teacher went on about how we'd be writing a paper with our partner. She also explained how this would be a project that we weren't allowed to do during class hours and how we'd need to figure out a time to get together with our partner and do it.

The rest of class dragged on after that. I hadn't even bothered trying to figure out a time to get with Roman because I really didn't want too. I made my mind up and decided I'd just do the entire project myself and put both our names on it. He didn't seem too interested in the project so I doubt he'd mind.


"You're doing a project that involves partners?" Heather questions while taking a bite of her chicken sandwich.

We met up at the fountain for lunch and she surprised me with Chick-Fil-A. My go-to was always the chicken nuggets with avocado lime ranch dressing.

"That's weird right?" I ask with a full mouth.

Heather nods. "My professor spent the entire class eating a bowl of Mac and cheese while reciting Hemingway but I've heard Ms Jackson had weird teaching methods. She used to be a high school teacher so she's probably just teaching how she's comfortable."

I shrug.

"So who'd you get paired with?" Heather asks.

I make an annoyed face before speaking. "Roman."

Ahem. Heather chokes on her fry. "You and Roman?" She questions.

"No big deal. I'm just gonna do it by myself. I'd probably drop dead if he did anything at all."

"Still, just being in his presence. I bet he smelled good. What does he smell like?" She asks, excitement filling her eyes.

"Heather." I say with a blank expression.

"Okay okay." She turns her view towards a group of guys who were tossing a football around.

"My mom's gonna be here soon. My next class tomorrow isn't until 1:15 so we probably won't see each other."

Heather turns to me with a huge grin.

"What?" I ask, slightly concerned.

She places her hands on my shoulders. "I don't have a roommate."

I look at her, my confusion still evident.

"I was suppose to have a roommate but she never showed. I guess she changed her mind and until someone new transfers, I have extra space in my dorm."

"That's great Heather but I can't afford to-"

"No, but I was thinking you could secretly room with me. It would save your mom gas and time and nobody would know. You could just pack the bare minimum and you can go home whenever. It's not like you're hours away or anything."

Now a smile was spread across my face. "That would work out perfectly!"

"Right?!" She shouts.

I think about it a little more. "Okay let me talk with my parents this week and then I'll get back with you."

My phone chimes.

"Mom's here. I'll text you."

Heather nods and I walk off the campus and towards the parking lot.

My mom and I make small talk as she pulls out of the lot. After about five minutes of driving I see it, the house on campus that somehow Roman, Kai and Carson managed to afford together.

It was technically a fraternity but it was only them living there. During the summer they had thrown tons of parties, some guys even tried to buy their way into the fraternity but each of them were denied.

"Mom, how much money do you think lawyers make?"

She laughs. "That's an odd question." Her laugh stops abruptly. "You're not thinking about switching majors are you?"

"What? No I- er, never mind."

The rest of the drive was quiet but I still couldn't stop thinking about the boys fraternity. Why were they so adamant on not accepting anyone else?

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