Chapter eight

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The week ended up flying by. I spent most of my days waking up, going to class and coming back here. Thursday night Heather and I spent some time together just catching up. I miss seeing her everyday.

It was now Saturday morning. I came downstairs to Kai and Carson arguing about something but they immediately stopped when I appeared.

"Hey guys." I say softly.

Our conversations basically all week were just "hey" "hi" "bye" "bye" but today was different. They were giving me an almost concerned look.

"What's going on?" I ask suspiciously.

Oh God this is it. Something went wrong and now I'm about to be killed.

I held my breath waiting for them to respond but instead Roman spoke from behind me. "Jillian, I need you to accompany me to my father's party later tonight."

I spin around, startled by his sudden presence.


"You will." He says firmly and walks off.

"Don't worry Jill, these parties aren't some type of murdering ring or something." Kai says.

"Although it would be a lot easier if we could gather up all those assholes and kill them off at the same time." Carson speaks.

I give them a startled expression.

Kai rolls his eyes and turns back towards the tv. "You'll want to wear something nice." He shouts.

I stay quiet and head back up to my room.

I couldn't care less if I even attended this party, so I really didn't care what I wore. I walked over to my closet. I rarely wore dresses. The only dress I actually owned was an orange sundress that I wore to my aunt and uncle's wedding on the beach. I pulled it off the hanger just as someone knocked on my door.

"Yes?" I call out.

He opened the door. "Hi Jillian." Carson walks in carrying a rectangle shaped box with a red ribbon wrapped around it. "Roman would like you to wear this to the party tonight." He lays the box down on my bed and walks out of the room.

I open the neatly wrapped box. It had Givenchy written on the top. I take a deep breath and pull the gift paper away. Inside there was a beautiful silk red gown with an off the shoulder cuff and slit up one side.

Never in my life have I seen a more beautiful dress and-

My eyes widen when I notice the price tag.

20,000 dollars?!?

I gently lay down the "house down payment" and run down the stairs.

"Where's Roman?" I ask in an irritated tone.

Carson points behind me and I turn to see Roman leaving the kitchen.

"Hey, I'm not wearing that!" I say loudly.

"Yes you are." He says not phased.

"No I'm not." I say firmly.

He stops walking and looks over at me. I could tell he was angry over my persistence but he just responded with "why not".

"Umm, it's literally more expensive then anything I've ever owned. It's the yearly tuition of the school we're attending and then some. No. I won't be accepting anything like that. I don't plan on being in your debt."

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