Chapter twenty-eight

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Most of November flew by. I spent my days trying to stay concentrated in school while still managing time with Heather and finally getting back into Apollo and I's routine of Saturday hikes. I also ended up passing my driver's test last week although I had snuck a few drives here and there after Roman gave me my car.

Roman went back to being difficult after my birthday. Some days he seemed kind and considerate and others he was distant and an asshole. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle but it was getting more frustrating not knowing how he felt. I knew how I felt and I was happily shoving those scary thoughts and feelings somewhere dark and quiet in hopes that they would never surface.

I had woken up bright and early today so that I could get ready and leave early enough to make it to my grandma's in time to set up for Thanksgiving dinner.

I slip on my slippers and walk into the hall towards the bathroom so I can brush my teeth.

"You're up early." Kai says while walking up the stairs.

"It's Thanksgiving!" I exclaim.

"Oh right. I had almost forgotten." Kai stares at me for a few moments before shrugging and following me into the bathroom.

"How could you forget about Thanksgiving? It's literally the best holiday." I reply.

Kai snorts and squeezes some tooth paste out and onto his toothbrush. "I'd hardly say it's the best."

I gasp and spit out the remaining mint toothpaste in my mouth.

"Don't look at me like that. What qualifies Thanksgiving as the best holiday?"

"Umm, where do I start. The weather. All of the leaves are orange, brown and yellow. The air is crisp. The pumpkin AND apple pie."

Kai laughs and shakes his head.

I roll my eyes and put my toothbrush down. "Fine. What would you consider the best holiday?"

"I don't even have to think about it. Valentine's Day hands down."

I eye him, trying to decide if he was being serious or not. He was.

"You wouldn't believe the long line of crying girls who just need comforting from a strong guy because their boyfriends dumped them to avoid buying them anything. I get a night to remember and they get back together with their boyfriends that week. It's a win win for both of us."

I scrunch my nose up. "Gross Kai."

I begin to leave the bathroom and walk down the stairs as he follows.

"Well you asked." He shouts back.

"What are you two arguing about?" Carson asks as we approach the kitchen.

Roman was making himself a cup of coffee and Carson was trying to finish a crosswords puzzle.

"What the best holiday is. I say Thanksgiving and Kai's opinion doesn't matter."

Kai looks over at me annoyed and grabs a pancake from the stack set in the middle of the table.

Carson smiles. "Thanksgiving is a close favorite of mine but I'd have to say Halloween."

"You still go trick or treating?" I tease.

"I have my reasons." Carson replies.

All three of our eyes land on Roman who was now sitting at the table with a newspaper and coffee in each hand.

His eyes slowly look up at us, unamused.

"So?" I begin.

He sighs. "So what?"

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