Chapter twenty one

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"Where are you going?" Roman shouts as I grab a few of my things from the house.

We had only arrived ten minutes ago but I couldn't spend another moment here.

"To Heather's." I say calmly, grabbing my phone charger.

"I didn't give you permission. You're staying here." Roman demands.

I turn towards him. "I'm not asking your fucking permission."

I turn away and slam the door shut.


"You're back." Heather opens her dorm room door. I could tell she was surprised but she was trying to play it off. I knew she was still upset.

"Mind if we hang out for a bit?" I ask softly.

She looks at me with a blank expression.

"Please?" I reach into my bag and pull out a DVD and chocolate. "I brought The Breakfast Club and Twix bars."

A slow smile creeps onto her face. "Fine but I'm still mad." She says eagerly.

I walk in and sit down on her bed. "And you have every right to be but for tonight could we just pretend we're on the best of terms, turn this movie on and just relax?"

She grabs a Twix bar and begins eating it. "Well put it in then."

I smile and turn the movie on.

Heather hadn't known it that night but I needed her so badly. I felt like I was completely losing my grip on reality and she brought me back down and reminded me who I was. I'm in a really dark place right now and I needed to remember that no matter how much time I spent with the guys, I was nothing like them. I was still a good person.

After the movie finished, Heather rambled on about all the latest gossip I missed while I was away. I knew she was still upset but she could sense I just needed a friend tonight and that's what she gave me. I knew eventually I would either have to get free from this situation or tell Heather the truth. There was no way our friendship could survive if I kept lying to her. I wasn't sure what the right choice was.

Heather offered for me to stay the night with her and as much as I wanted to, I had been uneasy the entire time I left. I had yet again disobeyed Roman's orders and after today's ordeal, I wasn't trying to make him even more mad.

It took about fifteen minutes to walk from Heather's dorm back to the house. I had passed a few students hanging around the campus, laughing, making out, just living their completely normal lives. They really had nothing major to worry about it. They were all so happy.

When I arrived in front of the house I noticed a light blue Toyota sitting outside of it.

I stop.

Did Dante's men found us? Did someone followed us home?

The lights were on inside the house. I placed my ear against the door. I couldn't hear anything.

Completely unaware on who was inside, I take a deep breath and open the door.

Kai and Carson look over at me surprised.

"We didn't think you'd be back home tonight?" Carson said.

This definitely didn't feel like home.

I shrug. "I'm trying to avoid getting everyone I've ever cared about killed." I say calmly. "Do you guys know there's a blue car parked out front?"

They give me a slightly concerned expression. "Umm, yeah, that actually belongs to-"

"Hi." I hear an unfamiliar, soft voice.

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